I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2397 : Chapter 1216 Dragon and Phoenix Night Walk

The first thousand 210 chapters and six dragons and phoenixes at night

Dong Gai was impatient, but Liu Feng was not.

Therefore, no matter how anxious Dong Gai was, it was useless, and the Han army still stood still.Not only set up camp on the day of arrival, but also recharge your batteries.

The next day also continued to recharge.Until the third day, the Han army still had no intention of setting up siege equipment and attacking the city.

Fortunately, on this first day, we will set up camp, so we will not attack.The next day is also easy to say, it may be because of the long journey, so the soldiers had a hard time and had an extra day of rest. [

But if you don't attack on the third day, it is really unreasonable.

Zuo Chuanyun, husband war, courage also.Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.It was so unusual to give up on the first day, give up on the second day, and give up on the third day.

This day, day to noon.But the Han army still did not move. With this doubt, Liu Zhang once again led Fazheng, Zhang Song, Meng Da, Zheng Du, Huang Quan and others to climb the city wall and look at the Han army camp.

But I saw that the gate of the Han army's camp was closed tightly, and there was no sign of any attack.

"This is unusual. Liu Feng is good at using troops and is invincible in the world. He will never end up here. Even so, I'm afraid there is some conspiracy. Can you see through it?" Liu Zhang turned to ask Fazheng et al. .

"This." Zheng Du, Fazheng and others hesitated for a while, but no one spoke.Even Fazheng really didn't expect that Liu Feng was waiting for him to make a move.

Fazheng is not a god, let alone a foreigner like Liu Feng, so he cannot be counted.

"Well, even though we have a city with [-] elite soldiers, they work hard like walking on thin ice. It's really helpless." Seeing this disappointment, Liu Zhang shook his head and sighed.

"Your Majesty, it is precisely because we are sitting on a fortified city that we have strong soldiers. We can wait for work at leisure. The so-called enemy does not move, and I do not move. It is also at this time. It is best not to move like a mountain." After a moment of silence, Huang Quan wanted to avoid Liu Zhang continued to be frustrated, so he persuaded him.

"That's the only way to go." Liu Zhang said with a sigh.

Immediately, the monarchs and ministers in the middle of Shu, who could not see the way, returned to the city.However, Fazheng, Zhang Song, and Meng Da did not go back to the mansion separately, but gathered in Zhang Song's mansion.

Needless to say, Fazheng and Zhang Song are the masterminds.But no matter how talented they are, they are just counselors without military power.

The so-called clever woman can't cook without rice, even if they want to open the city gate, they have no ability.

Therefore, their plan cannot do without Meng Da.Meng Da is a fellow villager of Fazheng, and the two have known each other since they were young, and they have had a close friendship for decades.At present, Meng Da is a school lieutenant, with two thousand elites in his hands, who can be used as pawns to open up breakthroughs.

Inside the side hall of Zhang Song's mansion.Zhang Song sat at the top, followed by Fazheng and Meng Da.Meng Da has a burly body, a majestic appearance, and a sparkle in his eyes, but he remains calm.

It's the kind of taciturn, but at the critical moment, the type of sword.At this moment, their gathering was not for a plan, but for Liu Feng's abnormal behavior.

"It's the third day, but the general still doesn't attack. What's the point?" Zhang Song asked after thinking hard for a while, but couldn't come up with any results.

"The general has his own strategy in his heart, and it's hard for us ordinary people to figure it out." Fazheng also smiled wryly, and said.He really didn't know what Liu Feng was thinking.

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