I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2420 : Chapter 1228 Returning to the Han General Meng Huo

The first thousand and 220 eighth chapters return to the Han general Meng Huo

However, after a while of refreshment, Liu Feng couldn't help being puzzled.So, Liu Feng opened his mouth and asked: "No matter how you say it, Meng Huo is the king of the Southern Barbarians. He not only has elite soldiers, but also has a good location. There are also some tribes around him who are willing to respect Meng Huo as their leader. They are powerful. Therefore, they have always been rampant in Nanzhong. , it is also a trouble for Bashu. Why, now is the army coming back?"

It came suddenly, so I have to wonder.

"Here, the general only knows one thing, but not the other." Zhang Song said with a slight smile when he heard the words.

"Appreciate further details."[

Liu Feng was puzzled when he heard the words, how could he only know one thing but not the other.So, raised his fist and said.

"As far as Bashu is concerned, this Meng Huo is indeed quite domineering, and he is also brave and difficult to control. After all, Liu Zhang is weak. But as far as the world is concerned, this Meng Huo is not like the old Yelang Kingdom! How small and powerful?" Zhang Song , said with a smile.

"Well, that's true. In the past, Yelang was arrogant." Liu Feng agrees with this point. Meng Huo is tyrannical, but compared to Huaxia, he is really small.

"But what does that have to do with not knowing the other?" Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng asked again.The two are irrelevant.

How did it get mixed up.

"Don't forget, the great general. Now that the Han Dynasty is strong and powerful, half of the thirteen prefectures in the world have already been occupied. To Meng Huo in Nanzhong, it is already a huge monster. It is like an ant, and it looks like a giant elephant. How can you not be afraid? Then In addition, during the two or three years of Zhongxing, the general destroyed Ma Teng and Han Sui in the north, and the Qiang people provoked him. In a fit of anger, the general annihilated millions of his clansmen and shocked the border areas. The reputation of the general has long spread to Bashu Here we come. Meng Huo, a foreigner, once invaded the frontier again. Now, the general enters Shu, and Liu Zhang takes the lead. How can he not be frightened by the general's force, and how can he not be frightened by the general's move and destroy the whole family How can he not be frightened by the power and influence of the general, and the general wants to settle the score after the fall? Under this situation, he can only lead his people to surrender, and this is the way out."

But Zhang Song will come one by one.

Of course, this was not what Meng Huo said, nor did Meng Huo send someone to explain it.It was Zhang Song's guess based on the actual situation.

Meng Huo's surrender was probably mostly out of fear, fearing that his clan would be wiped out.Therefore, he took the lead in leading the tribe to surrender.

Liu Feng was a little dumbfounded when he heard the words, but now he only occupies Bashu without mobilizing a single soldier.

Meng Huo's fierce men all came and surrendered.

Is this the so-called Megatron of the enemy country, and the enemy country is terrified?

However, Liu Feng did not deny that this feeling was really good.If possible, he really hoped that all the foreigners in the world could submit to the Han Dynasty like Meng Huo.

Whether it's fear, or sincerity, the result is the truth.

"Immediately arrange the resettlement of the Menghuo tribe. I need Menghuo's strength alone, but I don't want a foreign tribe to take root in Shu. The only way is to live scattered. Teach them Chinese, Chinese characters, and Han people's customs, silently Sinicization, this must be done well.”

After Liu Feng was dumbfounded for a moment, he sighed for a moment.Finally, he remembered the issue of resettlement, so he explained to Zhang Songdao.

However, Liu Feng used history as an admonition, knowing that if the ethnic minorities moved inward, if they were not handled properly, it would be a disaster for all generations.So, it was dealt with first.

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