I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2422 : Chapter 1229 Meng Huo returns to his heart

The first thousand 220 chapters nine Meng Huo return

Feeling the aura of Meng Huo, Liu Feng didn't feel anything.After all, he is a generation of barbarian kings, so he should be a little proud.

But some people around Liu Feng were upset.

Dong Gai was the most impulsive, and he took the lead in launching the attack.


With a cold snort, Dong Gai held his head high and chest out, his tiger's eyes flashed brightly, and a boundless murderous aura of a veteran in the battlefield came out through his body.What a murderous aura this is.

It makes people feel like facing a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, feeling the blood of millions of corpses.


Immediately, Ma Chao, Yan Xing, Pang De and the others also sneered coldly, spreading their aura.In the end, even the calm Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and others couldn't bear it anymore.

At this moment, the Eleventh Route Generals under Liu Feng's command, except Fa Zheng, a Confucian general, all displayed their aura.

Immediately, ten auras moved forward overwhelmingly, pressing towards Meng Huo.If Dong Gai's aura is like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with millions of corpses buried, then they add up to a monstrous sea of ​​blood, boundless.

There are not many corpses up and down in the sea, that kind of aura, the bloody aura, can crush an ordinary person to death in fright.

Although Meng Huo has a majestic appearance, it is difficult to compete for it.

Suddenly, Meng Huo's eyes flashed a bit awe-inspiring, and then obediently put away his aura.That's right, Meng Huo did it on purpose just now.

He wanted to find out about Liu Feng's reality.What Zhang Song said was true, Meng Huo was only frightened by Liu Feng's military power, his domineering and tough style, and his unrivaled prestige, which made him want to surrender.

This is Wei Fuer, not Meng Huo himself.

Meng Huo was a barbarian king who was unruly and unruly.Photographed by Liu Feng's momentum, so surrender.But in my heart, there is a lot of dissatisfaction.

Now the reality is too far to find out, because Liu Feng has remained calm.It made Meng Huo feel awe-inspiring.

Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and others were so powerful that it was hard for Meng Huo to imagine.You know, Meng Huo often boasted that he was majestic and invincible in the south.

But compared with these ten people, they are really just middle and low talents.

People are afraid of comparison.In the past, Meng Huo traveled across the south, thinking that the world was his enemy.Now that I saw these ten people, I realized that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

Therefore, this rebellious temperament has also calmed down.

This is probably the so-called, wicked people need wicked people to grind.The most direct way to deal with Meng Huo is to let Meng Huo know how strong and amazing the generals under the command of the Han people are.

This time, Liu Feng's method was absolutely right. [

Meng Huo was terrified in his heart, and when he refused to accept it, he left for the most part, and obediently rolled over and dismounted from his horse.But at this moment, Meng Huo noticed another problem.

That is the king's general's personal soldiers.Earlier, Zhao Yun and the other ten generals were too radiant.Let Meng Huo focus on them.

But at this moment, as Meng Huo put away his aura, of course Zhao Yun and others would not bully him, so they also put away their aura.As Zhao Yun and the others put away their momentum, it was like the sun was setting and the stars were finally shining.

On the city, under the city, and all around, the countless soldiers of the king's generals showed their majesty.

What is an elite soldier?In Meng Huo's mind, there were only four elite soldiers in the land of Bashu.The third is the elite soldiers of Yan Yan, Zhang Ren, and Wu Yi. These three are strong and fierce, and they are the fierce men of Bashu.

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