I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2429 : Chapter 1232 Overwhelming people with power

The first banner is "Zhao".

It was Liu Feng's [-]th Route Army, Zhao Yun's troops who were at the forefront.

"Sure enough, as the spies came to report, Sun Ce not only divided the troops, but also incited the strong men in the city to defend the city." The word "Zhao" led the banner, and Zhao Yun immediately held a gun and wore a golden armor and embroidered robe. The sky is extremely powerful.

He first looked at the city of Jiangzhou, and saw the strong people on the city, then looked at Dingkang Mountain in the north, and vaguely saw a military camp.

So, he let out a sneer. [

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's big move naturally couldn't be hidden from the Han army's spies.These situations have long been known to the Han army.

However, Zhao Yun saw it with his own eyes at the moment.

"Set up camp and build fortifications."

After watching for a while, Zhao Yun ordered.


A soldier promised and passed down the order.Soon after, under the leadership of Sima in the camp, Zhao Yun's troops began to build the big camp.

It didn't take long for the eleventh army of the Han army to arrive one after another.Join Zhao Yun and build a company together.

And Liu Feng also led Dong Gai, Fazheng arrived at the forefront, and joined Zhao Yun to watch the situation in Jiangzhou.

"Let's see, General." Zhao Yun, who arrived first, pointed out to Liu Feng, Fazheng, and Dong Gai who arrived later. They first looked at Jiangzhou City, and then Dingkang Mountain.

"En." Following Zhao Yun's instructions, Liu Feng also took a brief look at the situation in Jiangzhou.Then, he said with a smile, "Sun Ce must not have been able to do this, it must have been taught by Zhou Yu."

"Zhou Yu is talented, don't underestimate him." Fazheng nodded and said with a smile.

"General, this is not the time to admire Zhou Yu." Dong Gai said depressedly while listening.

"Exactly, now is the time to plan to attack Jiangzhou." Zhao Yun also nodded, agreeing.

"Hahaha." Liu Feng laughed out loud when he heard the words, with a look of disdain, and Fazheng also smiled slightly, as if he was sure of victory.

"It turns out that the general and Xiaozhi have already made a plan." Seeing this, Dong Gai naturally thought of this, and said happily.

"Dare to ask the general, how to break it." Zhao Yun also asked with his eyes brightened.To be honest, Zhao Yun had a headache for this hard-to-eat tortoise in front of him.

"Zhou Yu's strategy, Zhou Yu's ability. It is indeed powerful, and should not be underestimated. However, sometimes, cleverness is not as good as strength. This can overwhelm others with strength." Liu Feng laughed.

Dong Gai, Zhao Yun was right. Regarding the changes in the situation in Jiangzhou, Liu Feng had already discussed with Fazheng, and he had a plan, which was to use force to suppress others.


Zhao Yun and Dong Gai couldn't help frowning, and Zhao Yun even said: "General, this strong attack can indeed force Sun Ce into embarrassment, but his own losses must also be great."

"So what? Guxin acquired Yizhou with a household registration of one million. At the beginning, Yan Yan and Zhang Ren committed suicide, and the soldiers and horses under their command were temporarily reorganized by Gu Xin as a field soldier. How many soldiers have been lost under Jiangzhou City? I don’t care how many soldiers and horses I lose, I only care about Jiangzhou, I only care about the unification of the world. Zhou Yu is cunning and resourceful, and thinks he has a plan. Let’s see how Gu can defeat him.”

Liu Feng sneered, and looked up at Jiangzhou City, very dismissive.

Immediately, Liu Feng turned his head back and shouted at Fazheng: "Order the army of the [-]th Route to divide into two parts. I want to attack the camp in the mountains and the city of Jiangzhou at night tonight. Break Jiangzhou with great force."


Fazheng made a promise, and immediately turned around and gave the order.

But Zhao Yun and Dong Gai were quite dumbfounded.This is not like the style of the general. The general is always strong in the enemy, but I think of clever tricks.

But this time, he didn't bother and attacked directly.

However, how should I put it, I have to admit that this scene of overwhelming people with strong troops and violently attacking to the death is really quite refreshing.

As the general said, sometimes a big fist is a strong man.A pair of iron fists can overthrow ten weak Confucian generals like Zhou Yu.

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