I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2432 : Chapter 1234 As fast as the wind, as fast as electricity

The first thousand and 230 chapters are as fast as the wind, as fast as electricity


There was an earth-shattering roar, and in front of Jiangzhou City, Zhao Yun, Dong Gai, and Meng Da led eighteen thousand elite soldiers to storm Jiangzhou.

The soldiers held torches, forming a sea of ​​flames, illuminating all directions, and the momentum was majestic.

Although Zhou Yu broke into a little cold sweat, he thought that if the Han army used their national strength to fight their way, it would be difficult for them to defend Jiangzhou. [

It can be said that the momentum is weak.

But Zhou Yu is also a real hero, after only a moment, he wiped off his cold sweat without showing any trace.

"Before the battle, it was predicted that the Han army might attack the city at night, but now it is just confirmed. Order all the soldiers, be strong and don't panic, wait for the enemy to approach, and kill them with bows and crossbows."

Zhou Yu took a deep breath and said to Tai Shici beside him.

"Promise." Zhou Yu was extremely calm at the moment, and Tai Shici did not doubt him, so he promised.Then, immediately go down to deliver the order.

"Liu Feng is insidious. Marquis Wu has already predicted that the Han army will attack late at night. Therefore, we should be prepared and don't panic. When the enemy is approaching, we can shoot with bows and crossbows, or smash them with rolling stones or logs."

Tai Shici walked all the way, shouting all the way.

And following Tai Shici's shout, the morale on the Jiangzhou city was immediately boosted.

That's right, when the Han army arrived in Bairi, Wu Hou gave the order.Order the soldiers in the army, no matter day or night, to be alert to the Han army attacking the city.

It can be said that tonight's battle has already been expected, how can it be unprepared?

It is expected that Jiangzhou must be as strong as gold, and the Han army will never want to enter the city.Of course, the soldiers below were not as wise as Zhou Yu, and they could clearly see the strength of the Han army.

On the contrary, Tai Shici's words made his blood boil, and he felt that the Han army was no more than mediocre.Many actions were seen through by Marquis Wu.


Therefore, whether it is a soldier or a strong man, he is full of heroism for a while.The word "kill" came out naturally.Immediately, the crossbow was stringed and aimed downward.

At this moment, the sea of ​​flames formed by the Han army raising the torches has quickly approached Jiangzhou City, and soon reached the shooting range.

"Whoosh whoosh."

I don't know who shot the bow and arrow in his hand first, and for a while, arrows rained down on the city.The whistling sound was shocking.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah." [

Although it is dark night, the accuracy is a bit off.But there were too many Han troops in the city, and for a while, countless people were killed and wounded by the arrows.

"Hahaha, so that the Han army will know that there is no shortage of strong men in my land of Bashu."

Hearing the screams of the Han army, one person laughed loudly.Although this person is at the head of the city, he wears a coarse cloth and short shirt, but it is Sun Ce's trick to recruit Jiangzhou's strong and strong.

Liu Feng entered Bashu and killed Liu Zhang and his family.The land of Bashu was like a landslide, and it was torn apart for a while. This kind of momentum seems to have no strong men to guard Bashu.

That's why the strong man yelled out these words.

"Hahaha, I heard that the Han army is invincible in the world, and even the elite soldiers of the Central Plains have to avoid the edge in wild battles. But what I saw today is nothing more than ordinary people. Under the siege, they have to be shot by arrows. Not enough Fear, not to be afraid. Hahaha."

This loud laugh came from the soldiers.

Jiangdong soldiers have always been brave, but they were defeated by Liu Feng several times.There are many people who are angry, and this is one of them.Seeing the Han army being shot and killed like a mustard today, I naturally laughed.

The two who laughed out loud were not a minority.Most of the soldiers on the city saw the casualties of the Han army below, and most of them couldn't stop laughing.

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