I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2439 : Chapter 1237 Elite Soldiers Like Clouds

And now, it's time to use it.It's just that in Zhou Yu's mind, this prepared force was used at a critical moment.

Now it is early, early.


Tai Shici promised with a solemn face, and went to dispatch troops.

"The real fight will only begin now." After Tai Shici left, Zhou Yu said after taking a deep breath as he faced the sea of ​​flames coming from the city. [

"Whoosh whoosh."

"Puchi, puchi."

As soon as Zhou Yu's words fell, arrows rained down on the city immediately, but the soldiers of the Han army had already entered the attack range, and the archers on the city began to erupt.

"Conquer the city, don't back down."

Zhang Liao roared angrily, and raised his saber towards Jiangzhou.

"The general has an order, and there will be a generous reward for capturing the city." Wu Yi also roared, and raised his blade to Jiangzhou.

"Boys, this is our first battle. Show your courage and destroy the city ahead." Meng Huo raised a huge spear and yelled at the city of Jiangzhou.

But it was the barbarians under his command, and it was the first time they fought for the Han Dynasty.Meng Huo wanted to have a long face.


Following Zhang Liao, Wu Yi, and Meng Huo's order, countless Han soldiers under the three men roared and killed in unison, facing the rain of arrows, they bravely rushed to Jiangzhou City.

Overpowering people with power, the Han army's power over people has really begun.

As long as there is enough army, even a continuous mountain can be opened, even the Yellow River can be moved.What's more, the Han army is elite and the best in the world.

Now it is really unstoppable to overwhelm people with power.

In this battle, the [-]th Army of the Han Army was divided into four parts, and they took turns attacking the city of Jiangzhou, and settled Sun Ce's camp in Kangshan.

This battle started in the middle of the night, continued until dawn, and continued until noon. The armies of both sides suffered heavy casualties.

At noon, the scorching sun was in the hollow, exuding raging heat.

The corpses of both the enemy and the enemy were piled up and down everywhere in Jiangzhou City. Pieces of blood stained the ground and the city walls red.


Teams of soldiers of the Han army launched a fierce attack in the direction of Jiangzhou City, stepping on their robes, the bodies of their brothers, and the mud mixed with blood. [

After almost six hours of fighting, the morale of the Han army was still extremely high, and their physical strength, as if they had just warmed up, was full of sweat, but still abundant and very vigorous.

Because there were two Han troops in charge of attacking the city of Jiangzhou.They each fought for an hour, took turns to rest, and took turns to eat.

Therefore, it is possible to maintain such amazing physical strength.This is wheel warfare, and this is the advantage of overpowering others.

On the other hand, what about Jiangdong soldiers and the strong people in Jiangzhou city?They seemed to have experienced the fierce battle of Gechijiro Yiyue, their eyes were blood red, their eye sockets were dark, and their hands and feet were weak.

Morale is also terribly low.Facing the fierce attack of the Han army, they could only be tired of coping, and could only bear it silently.

In this situation, the death rate in the city has skyrocketed, far exceeding that of the Han army.

"Gong Jin, the Han army took turns to attack, and I'm afraid they even saved time for lunch. Let's let the soldiers eat lunch, otherwise we won't be able to stop it."

At this moment, Tai Shici had also entered the battle, the spear in his hand was bleeding, the armor on his body was covered with blood-red marks, and the embroidered robe behind him was even torn.

In the middle of the night and half the day, Tai Shici experienced an unimaginable bloody battle.At this moment, Tai Shici also felt tired, let alone soldiers?

Feeling the momentum of the Han army, Tai Shici glanced at the fatigue of the soldiers under his command, and said to Zhou Yu involuntarily.

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