I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2444 : Chapter 1240 Little Bully Retreats

The first thousand and 240 chapters of the little bully retreat

"Da da da."

Just as Sun Ce was gnashing his teeth, footsteps sounded.After a while, Han Dang walked in from the outside, with blood all over his body and face, which showed the intensity of the battle.

"Yi Gong, what's the situation outside the camp?" Seeing Han Dang, Sun Ce couldn't care less about gnashing his teeth, and asked hastily.

"It's not good." Hearing this, Han Dang took a deep breath, calmed down a little, then gave a wry smile, and informed Sun Ce of the situation outside. [

"The Han army is so cold, what can I do, what can I do." Sun Ce's heart became colder when he heard this, and he smiled wryly.

"Marquis Wu, for the current plan, we have too few troops. Gong Jin's plan has already been defeated. Why don't we return to the police and fight Liu Feng again with the army."

Han Dang persuaded after hearing the words.

This was a situation that Han Dang had considered carefully. In Jiangzhou, Liu Feng's army was too large, enough to attack for a day and night, and the advantage was too strong.

It was too much to resist.Only when soldiers enter the public security and gather soldiers from the ten counties in Jiangdong and Jingnan, can they compete with the Han army.

However, Zhou Yu's previous strategy to counter the Han Dynasty with the north-south confrontation had already been defeated, and those who failed could not fail again.Facing the superiority of the Han army, it is really difficult to compete.

"Gu also wants to retreat, but how difficult it is to retreat." Sun Ce smiled even more wryly.

Sun Ce is not uninformed. Now that things have happened, the Han army has made it clear that they want to go down in a single battle.

Sun Ce knew exactly what would happen if he continued to defend.It is the best policy to retreat, return to the public security, and join the army to fight Liu Feng again.But is it really that easy to retreat?

If Liu Feng's army hadn't arrived, he could have abandoned Jiangzhou and returned to the police.But the problem is that now Liu Feng's army has arrived, the Twelve Route, more than 7 elite soldiers.

Can these elite soldiers let him go calmly?

If the camp is abandoned and the city retreats, then a fight is inevitable.Losing soldiers and destroying generals is already nailed to the iron plate.

"If you retreat, you will lose your troops, and if you don't retreat, you will never be able to recover. There is a saying that if you keep the green hills, you will not have to worry about firewood. Jiangzhou is only one county in Bashu, and Wuhou still has Jingnan and ten counties in Jiangdong. The foundation is still there. .As long as we retreat to the east of the Yangtze River, we can still compete with the Han Dynasty with Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Du and others in the north. If we strictly guard here, there will be no future." Han Dang knew that Sun Ce was proud, and he would not retreat at this moment, except to retreat and lose troops. In addition, there is still a bit of arrogance.Therefore, strongly persuaded.

After all, he wanted to have a frank fight with Liu Feng, and then die here.Or retreat in despair and deal with Liu Feng with the land of ten counties?

This is a problem, a big problem.

As Han Dang knew, Sun Ce was proud.Therefore, after listening to Han Dang's words, Sun Ce's expression flickered, hesitating.

Finally, Sun Ce's face paled a little, and then as if he had lost all his strength, he waved and said, "Choose elite soldiers, take a short rest, order people to light an open fire in the camp, notify Gongjin, and then break out to the south, and fight with Gongjin." confluence."


Han Dang was overjoyed when he heard the words, promised, and immediately went down to prepare. [

"Liu Feng, we will fight again in the future."

Sun Ce was so arrogant that he made a decision at this moment, and he was defeated by the police.Extremely unwilling in his heart, his expression became more severe, and he said through gritted teeth.

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