I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2446 : Chapter 1241 Lost to the Yangtze River

The first thousand and 240 chapters lost to the Yangtze River

Although one of the two sides has a gun like a lightning bolt, and the other has a sword like a gust of wind.Each is unparalleled in momentum, and each is unparalleled in fierceness.But Sun Ce and Pound are different after all.

Who is Sun Ce?Known as the Marquis of Wu, he owns Wuyue, the ten prefectures in Jingnan, and has a strong foundation.For the Southern Overlord.Who is Bond?But a handful.

The two sides fought, and Pound was able to die with Sun Ce as a man.And can Sun Ce die with Pang De as the honor of Marquis Wu?

The answer is of course impossible. [

Sun Ce originally wanted to stab Pound to death, or force Pound to defend, and then use his marksmanship to stab Pound to death.All in all, I want a quick fix.

But Pound was not afraid, instead he went against him.This was beyond Sun Ce's expectation.Sun Ce also chose to withdraw in an instant because of the above reasons.


The next moment, the long knife in Pound's hand hit Sun Ce's spear, and the sharp blade collided with the handle of the spear, making a sound of gold and iron.

This handover of swords and guns seems to be evenly divided.But the momentum is very different.

Just as Sun Ce wanted to force Pound to defend, and then kill Pound.This is the first to win, and the momentum is unparalleled.If you lose one hand, your momentum will weaken.

At this moment, Sun Ce returned his gun to defend, which was already weak.But Pound turned upwards, but he was very powerful.

"Hahaha, does the little overlord dare to fight me desperately?" Pound succeeded in blowing, and he was also full of arrogance. He smiled boldly, and then slashed his sword like lightning, and attacked Sun Ce again.


Sun Ce snorted coldly and fought with guns.However, he missed a hand first, his momentum gradually weakened, and he was finally suppressed and beaten by Pang De.


But then, Sun Ce and Pound were separated.Because Han Dang behind Sun Ce led the army to rush up.Han Dang roared and killed Pang De with a knife.


Pound snorted coldly, but had no choice but to withdraw his knife and fight Han Dang.


After Sun Ce got away, he reined in the horse, let out a loud roar, and rode away south.


Han Dang also abandoned Pang De and fled south.


Of course Pang De was not reconciled, and led his army to fight against Sun Ce and Han Dang's soldiers.The mountain road was narrow, and the two sides fought in a group.

The two sides killed each other in a trance, and with almost every roar, someone must have fallen into a pool of blood.The Han army is strong, and the Jiangdong soldiers are not weak.

But in general, it was the Han army that had the upper hand.

Because the timing of Sun Ce's choice was very good, at this moment, Pang De led the army to attack for about an hour.Pound's army was already exhausted.

Sun Ce's [-] elite soldiers were recharging their energy for a while.

In addition, after a day and night of fighting, not only the Jiangdong soldiers suffered heavy losses, but also the Han army.Only 5000 people remained in Pound's army.

Therefore, after fighting for a while, both sides left corpses all over the place.Sun Ce and Han Dang broke out and headed south.

After Sun Ce ran away, Pound was in a bad mood.At this moment, he was standing with the knife, his face full of annoyance.

"General, what should I do?"

A soldier asked Pang De.

"Seeing the direction in which Sun Ce is escaping, I'm afraid he will have a round with Zhou Yu. Don't chase after him without authorization, and get caught in an ambush. And join up with General Fa and others, and then pursue."

Although Pound was annoyed, he had a strategy and a very calm personality. After hearing the words, he pondered for a moment and said.

"Promise." The soldiers promised, and went down to deliver the order.

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