I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2451 : Chapter 1243 Fighting


With a roar, Han Dang chopped down a Han soldier in front of him with a sword dance, and then broke into the Han army formation, using it frequently, making him invincible.

At this moment, Han Dang had already seen Sun Ce chasing after him.Knowing that persuasion is useless, only fighting to the death, helped Sun Ce to escape.

"Don't run rampant, old thief."

Han Dang was killing fiercely, but suddenly heard a roar, and then, a yellow figure straddled his horse and met Han Dang. [


There was a sound of piercing the air, but it was a long spear that stabbed at Han Dang, as fast as electricity and wind.

The incident happened suddenly, but Han Dang's reaction was fairly quick, and he avoided it without even thinking about it.The spear wiped Han Dang's old face, spattering a stream of blood.

It was a fluke to avoid the spear. After avoiding it, Han Dang broke out in a cold sweat.Immediately, he looked up angrily, but saw a general standing in front of him.

This general has a handsome face, dazzling like a brocade, his eyes are like lightning, as if there is a god, he is dressed in golden armor, embroidered robes, Xiliang horse on his crotch, and holds a six-foot gun in his hand.

And behind him there is a soldier holding a flag. The flag held by this soldier is embroidered with the word "horse".It was Liu Feng's general Ma Chao.

"Ma Chao, when the old man followed Wu Chenghou to rule the world, you were only a child. How dare you be rampant." Seeing that the attacker was Ma Chao, Han Dang was furious and roared.

Marquis Wu Cheng was the title of Sun Jian back then.

"Why don't you dare, take the head of the old thief today and ask the general for credit." Ma Chao smiled wildly, held his gun and reined in his horse to fight Han Dang.


Han Dang was furious, and fought Ma Chao with a knife.

The two sides fought several times, but they were tied.It stands to reason that Han Dang was not as good as Ma Chao at first, and now that he is old, he should be in decline.

But Ma Chao is full of blood, very mighty.

But today, Han Dang has the will to die and has great courage, so he can fight Ma Chao in a short period of time.


Immediately afterwards, Sun Ce and Jiangdong soldiers arrived, and they roared and joined the battle group.

"Kill." Of course, the Han army's pursuers were also close at hand. Generals such as Dong Gai, Zhang Liao, Yan Xing, and Zhao Yun also roared and killed, fighting Jiangdong soldiers.

"The one who kills Sun Ce will be enshrined as the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, and two grandsons will be granted the title of Marquis of Guannei. He will be entrusted with a family of three marquises, and he will be honored in the world." Behind, Liu Feng also saw the movement of the "Wu" flag, and immediately knew about Sun Ce. Actually reflexively cut off.

I was overjoyed in my heart, so I shouted. [

Chasing Jiangdong soldiers is just a matter of routine.Although he wanted to be able to chase heroes like Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Tai Shici, and Han Dang.

But Liu Feng knew that was impossible.The opponent has war horses, no matter how bad they are, they can abandon their soldiers and escape alone.

Like Liu Bei in history, he often abandoned his wife and fled alone, so he was able to save himself from danger every time.Sun Ce can do the same.

But I didn't expect, I didn't expect Sun Ce to cut off the heir himself today.

Liu Feng Keguan didn't know how deep the relationship between Sun Ce and Han Dang was, he only knew that as long as Sun Ce was killed or captured alive, Jiangdong could be stabilized.

Naturally, it was as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and without thinking about it, he promised a title of Marquis of Wanhu and two titles of Marquis of Guannei.The so-called, under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man.

Sun Ce's head is worth much more than these three titles.

When the soldiers of the Han army heard Liu Feng's shout, they immediately felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and their morale suddenly increased countless times.

This is a Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, and two Marquises of Guannei. Taking Sun Ce's head is equivalent to getting three Marquises, which can be called one family and three Marquises.

One step to the sky.

Not to mention the generals, even Zhao Yun, Dong Gai, Ma Chao, Yan Xing and other generals are very tempted.


As a result, the Han army's murderous spirit was majestic, and the generals were like tigers. They all roared and killed, and the situation suddenly changed.

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