I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2453 : Chapter 1244 Overlord Diving Tour


Ma Chao roared and stabbed Han Dang in the back.

"I really thought the old man was afraid that you would fail." Han Dang was furious, knowing that Ma Chao was in his favor, and unless he died alone, it would be difficult to escape, so he gave up his way of life and turned to fight Ma Chao.

"The old man is dead today." During the battle, Han Dang roared angrily.The stronger the qi, the more violent the sword technique displayed.


At this moment, Han Dangdang is at the peak, displaying 150% of his combat power, and his momentum is majestic.But Ma Chao was happy and unafraid, snorted coldly, and charged at Han Dang with his long spear like lightning.


The two sides fought for more than ten rounds, and finally, amidst the sound of fighting, Ma Chao stabbed Han Dang's left shoulder with his spear.Han Dang yelled, and stabbed Ma Chao with his sword with his right arm, intending to die with Ma Chao.

"Old thief, your idea is too beautiful." Ma Chao gave a long laugh, and drew out his spear to block.After blocking it, he stabbed Han Dang again.

This stab hit Han Dang's right shoulder immediately.

"Dang." His left and right shoulders were wounded, and Han Dang suddenly couldn't hold the long knife, and the long knife fell to the ground with a loud noise.

"Wu Hou, you must stand out."

Ma Chao hit Han Dang's left and right shoulders with his spear, in order to capture Han Dang alive, which was a great achievement.Han Dang also knew that he was naturally unwilling to be humiliated.

He turned his head and glanced at the side. At this moment, Sun Ce was also entangled by Zhao Yun and others, and he was rushing left and right, but it was difficult to let him go.

Looking at Sun Ce, Han Dang roared angrily.

Then, Han Dang slapped his mouth fiercely and bit off his tongue. After a while, a piece of tongue and a mouthful of blood spurted out from Han Dang's mouth, which was three feet long.

"Being able to follow Wu Chenghou, Wuhou, I will have no regrets in this life, hahaha."

A moment later, Han Dang laughed and died.

At that last moment, Han Dang's eyes were still shining with light, which was not the light of despair, but the light of hope.Because Han Dang felt that no matter how difficult it was, Sun Ce would break through.

Because he is Sun Ce, it only took a few years to pacify 81 counties in the six counties of Jiangdong, take the four counties of Jingnan in the east, and call him Marquis of Wu.

The man who dominates the southeast.

How could such a majestic and unrivaled man die in this small fight.

Just like Han Dang laughed before he died, he will have no regrets in this life if he can follow Wu Cheng Hou Sun Jian and Wu Hou Sun Ce.This is also an affirmation of Wu Hou Sun Ce.

He believed that this was just a small setback for Sun Ce, a small setback that couldn't be any smaller. As long as he got over it, Sun Ce would still be the little overlord who controlled the soldiers of ten counties and ran rampant in the southeast. [

No, sooner or later this little one will have to be removed.

Become the real Overlord of Wuyue.

"Yi Gong." Hearing Han Dang's laughter before he died, Sun Ce suddenly turned his head, saw the scene of Han Dang biting his tongue and committing suicide, his eyes were weeping blood, and he yelled terribly.

"You stay too." Zhao Yun laughed loudly, and raised his gun to kill Sun Ce.


At this moment, Zhao Yun had Dong Gai beside him, so he didn't pay attention to morality at this time, and directly joined Zhao Yun to kill Sun Ce with a knife.


Faced with the two heroes coming at once, Sun Ce could not resist. After fighting for a while, he yelled fiercely, pulled out his horse and left.

"Marquis Wu, let's go."

Zhao Yun and Dong Gai naturally wanted to pursue them, but countless Jiangdong soldiers rushed up one after another, yelling for Marquis Wu to go quickly, and blocked Zhao Yun and Dong Gai with their bodies.

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