I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2562 : Chapter 1301 Not by request

Chapter [-] is not a request

No matter what Yu Ren'er said, he was also the Zuoxian King of the Huns. book>

But at this moment, Yu Ren'er was overwhelmed by the momentum of the Han army, so he lost his mind and had complicated thoughts.

Not to mention, these Hun warriors behind Yu Ren'er.

The Huns have lived up to the original.Even the most elite warriors are less than one-tenth of what they were back then.At this moment, facing the might of the Han army. [

Their best performance should be to be calm and composed, to compete with the Han army in momentum with their eyes and murderous aura.The two sides fought to a tie among the calm crowd.

This is the glorious scene.

But what about the Huns warriors at this moment?I saw that they reacted differently. Facing the aggressive eyes of the Han soldiers, they either reined in their horses and took a step back.

There were even people who pulled out the long knife at their waist in an instant, intending to defend themselves.There are also countless warriors, leaving fine cold sweat.

At this moment, the Xiongnu warriors who were originally neatly arranged became disorganized.It is even more inferior to the Han army.However, some of them pulled out their long knives and planned to defend themselves, which made the Han army more sensitive. Their eyes became colder, and the spears in their hands pointed at the Huns warriors obliquely. He also pulled out the arrow on his back, and pointed his bow at the Xiongnu warrior.

The two sides can be said to be on the verge of breaking out.But at this moment, Yu Ren'er was in a state of confusion and failed to stop it.

The guards of the soldiers on both sides became more and more vigilant, and it seemed that a fight was about to start.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, we are not here for war."

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded, and immediately after, a young man stepped out of the carriage.This young man is slender and handsome, according to the standards of the Han people, he is an unscrupulous handsome man.

But at this moment, the young man had a sword on his waist, which added a bit of heroism.The clothes on his body are also the official uniform of the Han Dynasty, which looks extremely dignified.

What is even more dazzling is the stick on the young man's right hand. The bamboo under this tent is very slender, and it is full of bamboo knots when you hold it.

On the top, it is decorated with ox tail hair.

The whole is filled with a mysterious power.

This mysterious power comes first from the scepter itself, second from the function of this scepter, and third from the power of the emperor.

Holiday, holiday.

False is to borrow, and the scepter is a symbol of the power and power of the emperor. Together, it is to lend the power and power of the emperor to the ministers.

Therefore, each of the ministers of the Han Dynasty with a scepter has unparalleled prestige.

This young man's elegance and heroism are considered majestic.At this moment, it has been sublimated as a whole, which makes people dare not underestimate it.

"Not satisfied?" [

From the moment he saw this young man, what Yu Ren'er thought of was the scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The millions of Qiang people were killed tragically.

As if it appeared in Yu Ren'er's heart, Yu Ren'er was stunned for a moment.It took a while before Yu Ren'er was relieved, and saluted cautiously.

It has been hundreds of years since they surrendered to the Han Dynasty, and the Huns have learned the etiquette and language of the Han people.Yu Ren'er knew that this "one step" was a respectful title, and could gain the other party's favor.

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