I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2564 : Chapter 1302 Dismissal

Chapter [-]

Before seeing Deng Zhi, the Huns believed that the envoy from the south was an envoy from the four countries, so they made up their minds to make a fool of themselves, in order to annihilate the threat of the powerful Han Dynasty, and at the same time plunder and enrich the tribe.Use the reader to read tens of millions of novels, completely without ads!

In the end, it will take another ten years, or even a hundred years, to eliminate the Han separatist forces one by one, and occupy the entire territory of the Han Dynasty.

It can be said that wishful thinking is exquisite.

But at this moment, after seeing Deng Zhi, the Huns became cautious.But they didn't know that in Deng Zhi's heart, he had the heart to take back Hetao and drive the Huns to extinction. [

It can be said that the two sides seem to be at odds.

Under such circumstances, the team arrived at a mansion near the city center.The mansion is in the pattern of the Central Plains, and even on the gate of the mansion, there is a plaque of "Shanyu Mansion".

It can be seen that the remaining tribes of the Southern Huns who moved south into the Han Dynasty have been Sinicized to a large extent.

After arriving at the gate of the mansion, Deng Zhi and Yu Ren'er got off the carriage and horse respectively.The guards and warriors behind the two were arranged respectively.

Not long after, the two stepped into the mansion and slowly came to the hall.Outside the hall, there were a few strong and aggressive-looking Hun warriors guarding them.

Of course Deng Zhi didn't care, and planned to teach her to walk.But at this moment, a Hun warrior stepped forward and saluted, "Please untie the sword, sir."

He speaks Chinese, and the tone of voice is not bad.But the problem is, this made Deng Zhi unhappy.The fundamental reason, in fact, is that Deng Zhi just saw that the Han people in Shuofang City were living under the rule of the Huns, and it was not going well.

Deng Zhi has the talent to help the world, and also has the revenge to help the world. Naturally, he can't see such a scene. At this moment, his anger will inevitably rise.

"I am the commander-in-chief of the general, and I am a military officer. Even if the general was exempted from inspection, I have never untied the sword. How about a mere Shan Yuhu?" Deng Zhi sneered and said.And what Deng Zhi said was true, even if he met Liu Feng, he never unsheathed the sword.

Deng Zhi was unhappy, and the guards of the Xiongnu were also dead-brained, and they did not retreat half a step.Seeing that the situation is dire, Yu Ren'er suddenly stepped forward, raised his fist and smiled in apologetic way: "When outsiders see my brother, they always want to take off their weapons. I was negligent for a while, please calm down, sir."

Immediately afterwards, Yu Ren'er yelled at the guards of the Huns: "This is an envoy from the Han Dynasty, don't be lazy."

"It's not because of slack, but because outsiders have to take off their weapons when they see Shan Yu." The Xiongnu warriors were really dead-headed, even Yu Ren'er's scolding was useless, and they insisted on their own views.

"You." Yu Ren'er rolled his eyes and was about to reprimand.

"Da da da."

But there was a sound of footsteps, and then a Hun came out. This Hun was of average stature and momentum.

But the clothes are different, obviously because of their extraordinary status.

"Bone Rabbit, you came just in time. What's going on with this group of guards?" Yu Ren'er said immediately after seeing the Huns, his eyes lit up.

But this bone rabbit is the commander of the guards beside Yu Fuluo, responsible for Yu Fuluo's safety.That's why Yu Ren'er said that.

"But I forgot to explain. Zuo Xian Wang Mo Nu." On this side, Yu Ren'er was angry, but on the other side, Gu Tu'er smiled slightly and saluted. [

Immediately afterwards, Bone Rabbit turned his head again, bowed to Deng Zhi, and said, "The humble people are far away in the wilderness, and their lives are harsh. Although the warriors are very strong, they inevitably lack etiquette and education. Please don't blame me, sir."

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