I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2571 : Chapter 1305 Deng Zhi's Attitude

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This time, not only Yu Fuluo, but even Yu Ren'er and the slightly timid Hun nobles felt a kind of contempt.

Not to mention, such a hot-tempered person as Bone Rabbit.Fortunately, at this time, Yu Fuluo stopped him with a look, otherwise the bone rabbit would probably kill people on the spot.

But even so, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense.

After a while, the atmosphere was broken.I saw Yu Fuluo took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, forced a smile and said: "So, please don't blame me, sir."

But Yu Fuluo didn't know, when he said that, Deng Zhi's heart became clear.When I entered the door just now, the rudeness was not due to Deng Zhi's toughness, but the rules.

But Deng Zhi's words just now were deliberate probing and insulting by Deng Zhi.But what about the result?Already obvious.

This compromise, there must be a deep conspiracy.

It would be even more difficult for the Huns to send troops.

However, Deng Zhi had already made up his mind, and the Huns could not help sending troops this time.Her heart was extremely cold, but on the surface, Deng Zhi had a different demeanor.

I saw Deng Zhi pretending to be arrogant, raised his head, and said: "We Han people are not only a country of etiquette, but also a powerful country. You and the Huns were defeated by our Emperor Xiaowu hundreds of years ago. For the rest of the remnants, the northern Xiongnu fled far away to Mobei, while the southern Xiongnu returned to the Han Dynasty. Today’s Xiongnu is the original Southern Xiongnu. Since they surrender, they are Fanping. Don’t say let me, the envoy who holds the festival, salute, even if you let It is not an exaggeration for you to salute me alone."

This time, a stone suddenly stirred up waves.Still the same sentence, even clay figurines are somewhat angry. Even if these Xiongnu nobles are a little timid, they are afraid of the strength of the Han Dynasty.

But the Hun blood itself still really exists, and the wildness of the Huns has not completely disappeared.

I saw the nobles of the Huns glaring at Deng Zhi one by one, and a murderous aura swept the entire hall involuntarily.Facing this killing spirit, Deng Zhi seemed to be blindly possessed.

Still so arrogant, proud, proud of a great country, and thus despise barbarians like the Huns.

This time, Yu Fuluo couldn't even force a smile, his face was ashen.If it's not for the big plan, if it's not for the big plan.

I have already cut you in half, a guy with a high self-esteem.

Yu Fuluo roared in his heart, and at the same time, he kept telling himself in his heart to calm down, to calm down.

And as if deliberately challenging Yu Fuluo's patience, at this moment, Deng Zhi didn't flinch, but pushed forward.I saw Deng Zhi raised his head and said: "Facing you, I will not hide any more. This time the general sent me here for one purpose, and that is to let you send troops."

When the nobles of the Xiongnu heard this, their lungs were about to explode.Their guess was right, the Han Dynasty also came to let them send troops.But this attitude, this attitude, how bad it is.

But they underestimated Deng Zhi's viciousness at this moment.After Deng Zhi finished speaking, he said: "According to my opinion, you are Fanping, and it is only right and proper to order you to send troops. There is no need to express it at all, but our general is benevolent. I am specially ordered to bring a I will give you a sword worth thousands of gold as a meeting gift. If the war is over, there will be rewards."

With that said, Deng Zhi pulled out the long sword from his waist and held it in his hand.

It looked like a rich man sending beggars away.is not that right?It is worth a thousand gold, which is indeed huge for ordinary people.But for the dignified Xiongnu Shanyu, let alone a thousand gold, even ten thousand gold.

Isn't this long sword just for sending beggars away? [

Suddenly, the Xiongnu nobles headed by Yu Fuluo went crazy.

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