I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2591 : Chapter 1315 Continue to compromise

The first thousand 310 chapters continue to compromise

The main figures of the Xianbei forces, the great Shan Yukuitou, the generals Bu Dugen, and Ke Bineng met with the envoys of the four countries Yan Zhongyu outside the royal court, and they were quite happy.

After this short and pleasant conversation, Kui Tou invited Yan Zhong to the royal court for a banquet, Yan Zhong naturally would not refuse, and he readily accepted it.

However, just when the two sides were about to set off, Yan Zhong remembered something, slapped his forehead, and then showed a wry smile, and then, with many carriages in the team behind him, he said to the leader: "Almost forgot, this It is a gift from the monarchs of "Yan", "Wu", "Zhao", "Wei", etc., please send someone to collect it, this is the list."

As he spoke, Yan Zhong took out a roll of bamboo slips from his cuff and handed it to the leader. [

"Four monarchs, you are really polite." Although Kui Tou said so, he directly took the bamboo slips from Yan Zhong's hands with both hands, and said with a smile.

It's really careless and not at all polite.

In fact, the boss has long been coveting the goods in these carriages. You must know that the goods of the Han people are colorful, and they are in short supply in the grasslands.

The value of the goods in this carriage is very huge.

Moreover, this is a gift, which belongs to him, the great Chanyu, so he doesn't need to share it with his subordinates.Moreover, this gift is just a drop in the ocean.

Because the Four Kingdoms need him, then the next gifts will continue to flow.The wealth of the Han people, the women of the Han people, and the territory of the Han people will all fall into his hands sooner or later.

Thinking about it, the smile on Kui Tou's face became even bigger.

After receiving the gift, Kuitou, Yan Zhong and the others continued what they had just done, and led their respective guards and entourages back to the royal court.

The royal court of the Xiongnu was in Shuofang, in a Han city, which belonged to the combination of Hu and Han.It is said to be the royal court, but in fact it is somewhat nondescript.

However, Xianbei's royal court did not have this defect.

I saw that in the royal court, there were many tents of various colors, stretching endlessly.Among them, various passages run through in an orderly manner.Along the way, there are countless Huns hawking on both sides of the aisle.

It was bustling and lively.

The Xianbei people do have some arrogance of the Huns back then.

However, at this moment, Yan Zhong saw that the Xianbei people had such arrogance, and he was not worried, but very happy.Because the stronger the Xianbei, the greater the power to control the grassland.

In this way, the food road can be maintained, and the armies of the three countries in Jinyang City can fight again.

Isn't this what he was looking forward to day and night?

With a bit of joy, Yan Zhong, led by Kuitou, Bu Dugen, Ke Bineng and others, arrived in Shan Yu's big tent.

The entire Xianbei royal court is like a huge military camp with many tents, which is very imposing.The Shanyu big tent is the tallest and largest tent in the entire Xianbei royal court.

The interior space is very sufficient, and all kinds of decorations are also very luxurious and very stylish. [

After everyone entered Shanyu's big tent, the leader went straight to Shanyu and sat down on his knees, while Budugen and Kebi Neng waited for the general of the Huns, and the nobles also sat down in turn.

And Yan Zhong, as the envoy of the four countries, is also a fat sheep.Kui Tou specially prepared a seat so that Yan Zhong could kneel on his left side to show respect.

So everyone knelt down and sat down.

After sitting down, beautiful Xianbei women walked in with delicious meat and drinks.Then there are Xianbei songs and dances.

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