I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2594 : Chapter 1316 Not Afraid

This good sound seemed to mobilize all the strength of Yan Zhong, making his whole body like a bone, and making Yan Zhong limp on the ground like mud. [
Dead dog, Yan Zhong at this moment is just a dead dog.

If the strength is not enough, you can only compromise, you can only bow your head and give in, you can only live like a dog without dignity.

As for Yan Zhong's gaffe and Yan Zhong's humiliation, the leader is not that interested in knowing.He cast a glance at Yan Zhong and didn't care.

Then, Kuitou picked up the wine glass, raised his glass to many Xianbei nobles and said with a big smile, "Hahahaha, today is a great day. First, we have a good relationship with "Wei", "Zhao", "Wu", and "Yan" When the four countries form an alliance, with our great Xianbei joining, this alliance must be earth-shattering and unfavorable. It is destined to be a glory, a supreme glory." [

"Second, we have obtained food. More of our children will be stored and become eagles on the grassland. The population of our Great Xianbei will become stronger. With a more perfect majesty, we will rule the entire prairie .”

"Thirdly, we have acquired Shanggu County, Yunzhong County, and Dai County. These three counties are frontier lands for the Han people, but for us Da Xianbei, they are the land of development. We can learn from the Han people How to grow food, so as to make Da Xianbei more prosperous."

"This day is destined to be recorded in the history of our Great Xianbei. And we are the people who have witnessed the history. For the glory of this moment, let's drink."

It has to be said that the boldness of the leader at this moment is very majestic, and his tone is very provocative, and he is an outstanding Xianbei monarch.

"To the glory, cheers."

Under the instigation of the leader, the blood in the hearts of the Xianbei nobles in the entire tent also boiled.They all blushed, raised their wine glasses excitedly, and roared.


Seeing this, Kuitou let out a hearty laugh again, and then with both hands vigorously, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Wine is strong wine, it enters the throat like a knife's edge, and it hurts the stomach of the person who cuts it.

But at this moment, only this kind of strong wine and this feeling can echo the joy in Kuitou's heart.Because carefree, carefree ah.


And all the Xianbei nobles responded enthusiastically after seeing the boldness of the leader, and drank the cup with their heads held high.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the big tent rose to the extreme.

As Kuitou said, today is destined to be the day of great Xianbei's glory, and it is destined to be the day of great Xianbei's rise.

In contrast to the brilliance of Da Xianbei, Yan Zhong's face was like a dead dog.

Seize the land for completeness, cede the land for completeness.If there is a Han Shichen in the future who writes history books, he will definitely become the generation who is criticized by thousands of people and scolded by thousands of people.

Yan Zhong's heart was filled with gloom.

However, in the end, Yan Zhong reluctantly cheered up, because since accepting this task, Yan Zhong has been more or less psychologically prepared.

This moment is just the worst.Seek completeness. [

However, for the victory of the Four Kingdoms and for the removal of the Han Dynasty, all this is worth it.Moreover, the history books are also written by the victors, if the four countries win.

Then this mission may be covered up, and he may not be recorded in the history books and scolded by future generations.

This time, the prairie, the Han Dynasty, and the four countries sent their own troops, but because of the different envoys, and because of the different momentum.

resulted in two different processes.

Deng Zhi is magnificent and majestic.Yan Zhong was humiliating and humiliating.

It's not that the abilities of these two people are very different, but the power behind them is very different.If Yan Zhong is behind the Han Dynasty, he must have confidence.

But it's a pity that behind Yan Zhong are the Four Kingdoms, which have been weakened to a certain extent.

Therefore, Yan Zhong could only bear the humiliation and suffer the humiliation.And if Yan Zhong knew, Deng Zhi's envoy to the Huns on the other side would be so overwhelming, so majestic, and so carefree.

I'm afraid I want to crash to death immediately.But fortunately, Yan Zhong doesn't know for the time being, doesn't know yet.

Moreover, Yan Zhong is not afraid of losing the face and dignity of the Han people.Because someone will find it, and this person is Liu Feng.

It is the army of the Han Dynasty.

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