I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2597 : Chapter 1318 Dead

The first thousand 310 eight chapters are dead

Why is it unbelievable?

Because this is so unbelievable, are these fucking Huns all fools, can't they be grandchildren?Yu Fuluo, the majestic Hun Shan, actually killed Yu Fuluo in front of the public. [Novel download www>

What is it if Yufro is not a fool?

What's even more bizarre is that after the envoy of the Han Dynasty named Deng Zhi killed Yu Fuluo, it was fine if the Huns didn't retaliate.Surprisingly, he was willing to be driven by Deng Zhi, even if he was divided into ten parts, he was willing, even if he was regarded as a pawn, he was willing to attack Xianbei. [

Isn't this a fucking grandson?

Kui Tou and other Xianbei nobles put themselves in their shoes and thought about it, and felt that it would be absolutely impossible for this to happen to them.

So at this moment they are unbelievable.

However, besides being unbelievable at this moment, the leader also felt two kinds of feelings that made him dumbfounded, one was chilly, and the other was happiness.

I heard that Yu Fuluo was killed in his own royal court in the blue sky and in front of the public.The leader, the Xianbei Shanyu, immediately felt the same way, and shivered violently, his whole body felt chilly.

The Han people are too awesome, especially the envoy of the Han Dynasty, who is called Deng Zhi.He dared to do this, scolded, what a warrior.

This is the reason why Kuitou's heart is chilled.As for being lucky, it was naturally because, although the envoys to his side were also Han Chinese, they were envoys from the Four Kingdoms, not from the Han Dynasty.

Moreover, this guy named Yan Zhong doesn't have the courage and courage of Deng Zhi.Otherwise, if he is a little careless, I am afraid that he will have to follow the way.

And what about Yan Zhong at this moment?What about that guy called by the leader, Yan Zhong who was nakedly looked down upon by the leader?Already ashamed, he had already reached the point where he was ashamed.

When he was sent to Xianbei, Yan Zhong had already realized in his heart that he must do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.To be able to bear any humiliation.

Yan Zhong thought so when he came here.After that, Yan Zhong did the same thing, first he was flattering and flattering.

Later, it was announced that a large amount of food would be given to the Xianbei people, ignoring the consequences of the Xianbei people's strength, and they did so.

Afterwards, in the face of the chief executive's greed, the lion opened his mouth and said that he wanted to go to the three counties of Shanggu County, Dai County, and Yunzhong County.

Yan Zhong resisted for a while, but finally succumbed and chose to cede territory for the sake of completeness.Just in response to the realization in his heart, he ceded the land and sought perfection.

As long as the Four Kingdoms are victorious, as long as the Han Dynasty is torn to pieces, he can bear any humiliation and any conditions.

It can be said that even if a tooth is knocked out, you can still swallow blood in your stomach.

At that time, Yan Zhong still firmly believed in his heart that in order to achieve his goal, he would use any means.For the victory of the four countries, everything he did was right.

Until, he heard the blatant declaration of the Xianbei people that they would anger men and invade women in the three counties they had acquired: Yunzhong County, Shanggu County, and Dai County.

In Yan Zhong's heart, he regretted it, feeling that he lost all face.I feel that the hearty laughter of the Xianbei people is very harsh. [

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