I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2599 : Chapter 1319 Grassland Strong Clan Fucked

The first thousand and 310 chapters and nine grassland strong clans are engaged

The Huns attacked Da Xianbei. [
The reason for this is even more shocking.There is only one Han official, Deng Zhi, and only one faction, the Han Dynasty.It triggered such a monstrous riot.

This incident came too suddenly, and the Xianbei nobles such as Kuitou were unprepared.

At this moment, Yan Zhong, the envoy of the four countries, laughed and died.Immediately, the whole Shan Yu's big tent became quiet, almost a needle could be heard. [

A group of Xianbei nobles first looked at Yan Zhong who died of breathlessness, and opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.Then, they looked at the leader again.

I hope Da Chanyu can give them an idea and make a decision.

What should I do next.

"Go and see if he is really dead." Kuitou was also shocked by this sudden change, and after taking a breath, he said to a guard next to him as if he had woken up from a dream.


The guard responded and went up to investigate.First he sniffed, then stroked his chest, and after a while, he shook his head at Kuitou and said, "Da Shanyu, this person is already dead."

"Dead? Really dead? This, why is it so fragile."

"This Yanzhong promised us to give us food, cities, and land. Now that he is dead, what should we do?"

"It's not enough. Now the Han people have joined forces with the Huns to challenge our position as the overlord of the Great Xianbei Grassland. What should we do?"

Hearing that Yan Zhong's death was confirmed, all the Xianbei nobles suddenly started talking like a pot exploded.

The fat in hand is gone.

What to do, what to do.

"Da Shanyu, what should we do now?" Bu Dugen, who was a general, was also a little confused at the moment, and asked the leader involuntarily.

Immediately, all the Xianbei nobles stopped talking and turned their attention to the leader again.As the saying goes, a snake can't do without a head, and now it's up to the snake's head to issue orders.

And what is the leader thinking at this moment?

Under the gazes of the nobles, Kui Tou pondered for a moment, then took a deep breath, and said: "Well, from the perspective of the Huns, the Huns are indeed weak and deceitful, but Deng Zhi is indeed cowardly." Po is very human, he is really a hero. According to information, this Deng Zhi is just a person with a small official position among the Han people. From this, we can see that the Han Dynasty is more powerful than imagined. And our big Xianbei is afraid of such a Han Dynasty. You must know that the Great Xiongnu at the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was much stronger than our current Great Xianbei, but they were still defeated by Emperor Wu of the Han people. Therefore, we have to Kill the current Han Dynasty in its cradle."

"Yes, strangle the Han Dynasty in the cradle."

"Take advantage of his illness and kill him. During the civil strife among the Han people, the Han Dynasty was wiped out."

"Slaughter all the Han people and occupy the territory of the Han people, we Da Xianbei will rule the world." [

The leader's words immediately resonated with the Xianbei nobles, because they were indeed afraid of the rise of the Han Dynasty, the strength of the Han Dynasty, and the fear that they would end up being exterminated like the Huns back then.

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