I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2617 : Chapter 1330 Gradually despairing

In other words, after waiting for this period of time, the momentum not only did not rise, but fell instead.This period of time has passed in vain.

At this time, in fact, one side in Jinyang City has no chance.Although the current morale has dropped, it is still high. If you choose to send troops at this time, it may not be clear who will win the battle.

However, at this time, Cheng Yu, Gao Gan and the others all had the mentality of a gambler.

After the morale of the high-ranking officials improved that day, the high-ranking officials decided to go out to fight in the city, but at that time they did not choose to fight, but chose to wait.

And the current morale is worse than that day. If you choose to fight at this time, wouldn't it be worse than that day?Since he didn't fight that day, it would be a big loss to fight now. [

In such a mood, in the hearts of the middle and upper classes in Jinyang City, their hopes for the Xianbei people became more and more great.Very, very eagerly, the news of the Xianbei people arrived.This boosted morale, and then went out of the city to fight the Han army.

It was exactly what Liu Feng expected, to give hope, and in the hope, slowly exhaust the morale of Jinyang City, just like boiling frogs in warm water, put the 16 troops in Jinyang City, Cheng Yu and others together. In the warm water, slowly heat up, until finally there is no resistance, and it is cooked.

The situation was developing step by step in the direction Liu Feng expected.In the end, the morale in Jinyang City had dropped to a terrible level.

Not only did he return to the point before the high-ranking officials boosted their morale that day, but it also faintly declined.

Because with the passage of time, the situation of the further reduction of grain reserves finally could not be concealed and was exposed.The soldiers knew that they were about to run out of food, so how could their morale not drop?

How can it not be shaken?

It can be said that at this point, the defenders in the city have lost the best time to resist. Even if they resist, I am afraid that the end will be miserable.

If they continue to defend the city, they will be boiled at most, and there will be more or less a whole body left behind.If he resisted and went out of the city to fight, the corpses would be scattered all over the field, leaving only stumps and broken arms.

A wave of despair finally began to pervade.

This time, no matter whether it is the upper, middle, or lower levels, they are all desperate.

On this day, the sky was covered with dark clouds and it was raining lightly.You know, even in the past, when the morale of the defenders was low, the sun was still shining.

But recently, it's been like this.

It seemed to indicate that there was still some vitality in Jinyang City at that time, but now it was in despair, and there was no chance of winning.

Such weather and such speculation made the morale of the defenders in the entire Jinyang City even lower.I saw groups of soldiers on patrol, all looking weak and weak in hands and feet.

It looked like a flock of sheep.

Under such circumstances, the entire Jinyang City, headed by high officials, led by Cheng Yu, Yu Jin, Xun Fang, Shen Xiong, and Gongsun Ao, had to gather in the hall again to discuss the future .

In the hall, Gao Gan was sitting on the governor's seat. He raised his eyes and glanced at the expressions of the people below, and saw that all of them were covered with dark clouds, full of despair, and dignified atmosphere.

But I dare not imagine that not long ago, this group of people was still high-spirited and had the ambition to fight the Han Dynasty to the death.

Can't imagine, can't imagine. [

Gao Gan's heart was filled with disbelief and a sense of powerlessness.

What exactly happened here?

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