I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2635 : Chapter 1343 The Lost Dog

The first thousand and 340 chapters and three bereaved dogs

And this fight in front of the city gate also left Gao Gan, Cheng Yu and others stunned.Cheng Yu is fine, he just opened his mouth slightly, looking a little speechless.

But Gao Gan, Xun Fang, Shen Xiong, Gongsun Ao and others all opened their mouths wide, as if they could swallow an egg.

"Cao Chunshi's famous general is not the real enemy of ten thousand people. However, if he is not tired of men and horses, with only one horse riding on his hips and one blade in his hand, more than a hundred people will not be able to take him down. At this moment, Liu Feng's personal soldiers only have dozens of people. Cao Chun was on the verge of death, if it wasn't for Xu Huang, Le Jin and others desperately trying to save him, they might have died here. The strength of Liu Feng's soldiers is only clear in his heart today."

After a while, Gao Gan recovered from the state of shock, but said these words again.It can be said that although he has recovered, Gao Gan still has strong aftershocks at this moment. [

He was awed by the sturdy and domineering aura exuded by Liu Feng's personal soldiers.

"I originally thought that although Liu Feng's personal soldiers were strong, there were a lot of them. But what I have seen today has repeatedly broken the old view. This army is really too strong."

Gongsun Ao also sighed, expressing his thoughts.

Today, Liu Feng's soldiers will break through the army of Yan State first, just like chopping melons and vegetables.Then he fought with the Cao Wei army led by the four generals, not only did not lose the wind, but also almost killed Cao Chun.

Then, taking Cao Chunzhi's defeat as the starting point, he showed a strong and domineering side, almost crushing the entire Cao Wei army.How powerful, how powerful.

Gongsun Ao's impression and evaluation of Liu Feng's soldiers are rising almost every moment.By now, he was already in awe of heaven.

Put yourself in the situation and think about it, if you met such an army alone, Gongsun Ao might not be able to help but run away.

Gao Gan and Gongsun Ao expressed emotion one after another, and Xun Fang and Shen Xiong also sighed at the strength of the Han army.

It's so powerful.

The strength of the Han army is astonishing as a white rainbow piercing the sun.It is also like the majestic momentum, which makes people unable to resist.

At that moment, since the top cadres in Jinyang City were shocked, Cheng Yu and other commanders and counselors of the 16 army sighed and were unable to react otherwise.

When the upper echelons of the Jinyang defenders on the city sighed at the strength of the Han army, they were extremely shocked.Liu Feng, Dong Gai and others under the city were in another mood.

"Hahaha, okay, kill them, kill them, and kill them all. Then rush into Jinyang City, hack and kill senior officials, Cheng Yu and other rats."

Seeing the astonishing momentum of the Han army, watching Cao Wei's army retreating step by step, and gradually being forced into the city wall, Dong Gai's heart was full of joy. He danced his long knife excitedly and laughed.

The laughter is hearty and the heroism is amazing.

"Kill." A loud laugh, full of pride.Then, Dong Gai let out another killing sound, held the long knife upside down, and killed the general again.

The goal is to open the jaws of one of the four generals.

"Junior, don't be rampant."

Although Dong Gai was strong, he was still a junior, but now he looked up to the sky and laughed with astonishing arrogance.Take Zhang Jaw directly, as if Zhang Jaw is the weak in battle. [

Naturally, it aroused Zhang Jaw's fury, he broke open and cursed loudly, and then rode his horse forward to fight Dong Gai.After a while, the two fought.

They fought for more than ten rounds in an instant, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner.

"Hahaha, this is the son of Gu, who has nothing to give back to the name of being brave and good at fighting. He is worthy of the word "Han" on his head."

Seeing that his own soldiers were imposing and repelling the mighty Cao Wei army, Liu Feng finally stopped saying the words of dissatisfaction and disappointment.

"Kill the general and let these rebels know what is called the majestic and orthodox trend of the emperor." Then, Liu Feng put away his smile and sternly shouted.

The voice is high-pitched, like a spring thunder, which can be heard everywhere.


Encouraged by Dong Gai and Liu Feng successively, the soldiers became more and more courageous as they fought. They seemed to have turned into gods of war, invincible.

Every time the Mo Dao was swung, someone would fall in a pool of blood.Every step forward, there must be blood splattered everywhere.At this moment, the king's general and his soldiers are really invincible.

"Quick, quick. Hurry up and withdraw the troops, and shoot arrows to stop the Han army."

With the encouragement of Liu Feng and Dong Gai one after another, the Han army became more and more courageous, and the Cao Wei army who killed them retreated even more.

But this power and prestige also awakened the high officials in the city, Cheng Yu and others.

It was Cheng Yu, who woke up first.

He knew that this time the breakout failed.Completely, completely failed.If no action is taken, the entire Jinyang Chengdu will be in danger.

If this wolf-like army is allowed to enter Jinyang City, even if they have 16 elite soldiers, the consequences will be dire.

Imagine the situation of wolves entering the flock, and you can think of the terrible consequences brought about by the entry of the Han army into the city.This kind of consequence was something Cheng Yu could not bear.

Therefore, Cheng Yu shouted out and ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.


The left and right woke up like a dream, and hurriedly promised, and went down to deliver the order.

"Ding ding ding."

Then, the rapid sound of gold and iron crossing sounded.Immediately afterwards, the defenders on the city began to bend their bows and shoot arrows.

"Swish, swish, swish." Countless arrows fell below the city like rain.There is only one purpose, regardless of enemy or friend, and that is to stop the advance of the Han army. [

"Ah, ah, ah."

Under such a wave of arrows, countless people screamed, but most of the people who screamed were soldiers of Cao Weijun.

Because of the fragile leather armor on their bodies, it was difficult to block the shooting of strong bows and arrows, and there were heavy casualties.

On the contrary, the king's general's soldiers, each of them wore armor made of heavy gold, and their strong defenses prevented them from too many casualties.

However, arrows rained down on the city.There are still quite a few soldiers who were shot in the arms, thighs and other bodies without armor protection.

There were also some casualties.

Moreover, the strength of the arrows was very strong, and in just a moment, more soldiers suffered casualties.

This immediately made Liu Feng's heart ache.

This is the supreme combat power, it is irreplaceable, the world's elite.Such a loss is really unacceptable.

Moreover, his task is only to trap the defenders in the city.As long as the defenders run out of food, they can win without fighting.

But now they have won two games in a row, massacred the army of Yan State, and defeated the army of Wei State.The morale of the guards in the city will inevitably drop day by day, and then they will completely become a herd of sheep.It can be said that it is already caught in the urn.

And now such unnecessary casualties are really a pity.

"withdraw troops."

In an instant, Liu Feng made a decision and called for withdrawal.

Although the soldiers are still at their peak at this moment, even though they are still willing to fight.Even though they were willing to die for Liu Feng, it didn't mean they could disobey Liu Feng's orders.

In the army, Liu Feng's orders are supreme.

No one dared to resist, no one wanted to resist.


Therefore, following Liu Feng's order, Dong Gai reined in immediately and chose to retreat.


The soldiers also shouted, turned and retreated.

However, when the soldiers retreated, they retreated on their own with the arrogance of a great victory.But Cao Wei's army was different. They were defeated and retreated in a hurry.

In particular, the arrows rained down on the city, shooting regardless of the enemy or ourselves, which made many Cao Wei soldiers panic.The result of panic is crowding each other and trampling on each other.

Immediately, countless Cao soldiers were shot to death by arrows and trampled to death by Pao Ze.Suddenly, in front of the small city gate, it became a land of Shura.

That appearance is simply miserable, extremely miserable.

It can also be said that there is no momentum at all, and he is in a hurry like a bereaved dog.

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