I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2637 : Chapter 1345 Sneaky

The first thousand 340 chapters and five stealing chickens and dogs

"Please also show your strategy, sir, to strengthen your momentum."

At this moment, Gao Gan, Cheng Yu, Xun Fang, Shen Xiong, Gongsun Ao and others stood in front of the army, feeling heavy and full of hope.

Gao Gan looked at this large army and knew that his courage was broken. If it wasn't for extraordinary measures, it would be difficult to inspire the army's morale.Besides Cheng Yu, there is no other person who can inspire the morale of the army at the moment.

So, Gao Gan took a deep breath, solemnly waved to Cheng Yu, and saluted. [

"it is good."

Facing this request from senior officials, Cheng Yu complied without hesitation.Then, he raised his head and looked at the soldiers.He felt the same for the humiliation and fear that this army suffered.

But he believes that the next moment the Han army will be as vulnerable as a chicken and a tile dog.

Thinking about it, Cheng Yu's heart gradually became more confident, and his eyes gradually became sharper.And Cheng Yu's self-confidence, Cheng Yu's eyes, also quickly infected the soldiers.

The existence of Cheng Yu itself is a kind of myth.As one of the five most important counselors under Cao Cao's command, before he met Liu Feng, he had counted everything in his life and never lost a single defeat.

Although he met Liu Feng, he was defeated again and again.But there is a saying that is good, if you lose in a battle, you lose again in a rematch, the more you fight, the braver you are, the more you lose, the stronger you become.

Perhaps, at this moment, the hero of Cao Wei, the hero of Cao Wei, really thought of a strategy that would be enough to defeat the Han army, enough to regain their confidence and break out of the siege?

Thinking about it, the panting of the soldiers gradually calmed down, and the entire military spirit gradually calmed down.

Cheng Yu actually has such charm, with just one look and one gesture, he calmed down the morale of the entire Cao Wei army.

This made the high-ranking officers and others next to him sigh with emotion.

You know, the current Cheng Yu has experienced several failures.But the soldiers still had such strong confidence in him. If Cheng Yu hadn't experienced failure, the trust of the soldiers would probably be hard to describe in words.

It's a pity, it's a pity that Cheng Yu didn't face Liu Feng with the strongest posture, otherwise, how could he let Liu Feng stand alone, command the army with his own strength, and defeat Cao Wei's army?

But, it's okay, it's okay, it's not too late now, as long as Cheng Yu's plan, Cheng Yu's plan can be realized, then it's not too late.

When the time comes, the shame will be swept away and the glory will be restored.

In fact, among this group of people, only Gao Gan knew about Cheng Yu's strategy, and the others did not.But at this moment, the others began to trust Cheng Yu inexplicably.

Senior cadres and other people from outside forces have inexplicably trusted Cheng Yu.Cao Wei's soldiers are even more trustworthy.

What about Cao Chun, Xu Huang, Zhang Jai, Le Jin and other generals under Cao Wei's command?Nature is trustworthy.

Among them, there are quite a few people who have made great achievements because of Cheng Yu's strategy and planning.

"Sir, if you have any plan, just tell me."

"Yes, the matter has come to this point, and it is already at the end of the mountain. No matter what the plan is, it is better to take one shot than to wait for it to be wiped out."

"Please order, sir. We will do anything."

Cao Chun, Xu Huang and the others opened their mouths and said, their eyes lit up, it can be said that they were full of hope again.

"Prepare our troops immediately, and we will fight Liu Feng again."

Feeling everyone's trust, at this moment, Cheng Yu's heart suddenly burst out with stronger self-confidence, and a fierce aura followed.I saw him take a deep breath, and then shouted.

This shout can be said to be very majestic.

But to everyone's ears, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, leaving people speechless.

"What, sir? You said let's regroup the army and fight Liu Feng again?"

"How is that possible? We have just experienced a great defeat. The soldiers are still full of fear in the face of the Han army. How can we fight again?"

"How can a defeated army speak bravely?"

"Although we have an army of 16, we can fight again and again, but as the number of fights increases and the number of defeats increases, it will only become lower and lower, and the army will collapse sooner or later. At that time, even I'm afraid I won't be able to control the entire army. Therefore, the defeat must be controlled within a certain range. Therefore, the fight must also be selected when you are sure. Please think twice, sir."

Because they were too shocked, before Cheng Yu finished speaking, Cao Chun and the other four decisively and fiercely expressed their opposition to Cheng Yu's plan.

Very resolute, very decisive.

They couldn't believe that these words came from Cheng Yu's mouth.This is just like a gambler. After a gambler loses a bet, he will continue to fall into it, and will continue to put a small amount of capital on the gambling table.

Until the end, he lost completely, and Cheng Yu at this moment, isn't he just a gambler?

Not to mention the generals, even the soldiers caused an uproar after hearing Cheng Yu's words.I saw their breathing that had just calmed down became intense again.

They almost didn't dare to imagine, almost didn't dare to face the Han army. It was really, really, really terrible.terrible.

It is really difficult for people who have not confronted the Han army to experience that feeling, it is difficult to understand.

Not only the generals objected, but even the soldiers showed such cowardice.Logically, Cheng Yu should be disappointed, but not only was Cheng Yu not disappointed, on the contrary, there was a smile on his face.

A smile appeared and quickly expanded.

"Hahaha." Finally, at the end, Cheng Yu burst out laughing.The laughter is full of arrogance, arrogance that covers the sky.

This aroused everyone's surprise, Cao Chun and other generals and soldiers all raised their heads and looked at Cheng Yu, not understanding why Cheng Yu was laughing. [

What's so funny.

Just when everyone was surprised, Cheng Yu suddenly stopped laughing.Then, with lightning-like eyes, he raised his foot with astonishing vigor, and took a step forward.

This step is like a landslide, like thunder, with astonishing courage, astonishing courage.

"It is precisely because we are defeated that we have to launch an offensive again quickly. The old man asks you, if you are Liu Feng, what should you be doing at this moment?"

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Yu opened his mouth to ask, his words were very forceful and clanging.

"We're celebrating, we're celebrating. He must have been negligent. At this time, if we regroup and attack, aren't we more sure than before? We have more chances?"

Afterwards, Cheng Yu answered his own question, and fully demonstrated his strategy.Following these words, Cheng Yu's aura became more and more astonishing.

"In order to prepare for this battle, the old man used a trick earlier. That is, before the war, beat the drums to help out. Although I am not sneaky to break through, the more concealed the better. Why, the old man beat the drums to help out? At this moment. You wait to regroup, and when you are done, open the door to fight immediately. You will definitely receive unexpected results." In the end, Cheng Yu's words were almost like thunderbolts, very, very loud and very, very bold.

This is all of Cheng Yu's plan.

In the previous battle, if you can win, let it go, if you can't win, it is to lay the foundation for the next battle.When Liu Feng rejoiced and celebrated his victory, he suddenly attacked again.

It can be said that it was an unexpected sneak attack.

Moreover, Cheng Yu was fully prepared.In the last battle, we played the drums first to help out.But this time, this link was omitted and troops were sent directly.

This is also a means, a kind of paralysis.

For this sneak attack, Cheng Yu made full preparations.That's why he's so confident, and why he's so bold.

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