I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2639 : Chapter 1347 Death Squad

Chapter 340 Seven Expendables

After Yu Jin asked Cheng Yu for orders, he immediately turned to the [-] elite soldiers, raised his right foot, and took two light steps forward.

Yu Jin, the most resourceful existence among the five good generals, is also the most determined person.It doesn't refer to his appearance, his posture, but his temperament.

I saw that Yu Jin took two steps forward like this, just two small steps, but for the [-] assembled in front of him, the most powerful [-] army, he felt a sense of deepness like the sea. breath.

This is the breath of General Gedai. [

Immediately, the hearts of these [-] elite soldiers were greatly excited, and they subconsciously held their heads high, showing their strongest side in front of this Gaiden general.

In the same way, Yu Jin also felt the changes of the soldiers, and he was very proud.

This is fame.The fame gained from fighting in troubled times.Who can bear such a prestigious reputation, how can there be anyone who is idle?

He is also a hero in troubled times.

"I'm that Yu Jin, so I won't introduce much."

Immediately, Yu Jin took another deep breath, and then shouted loudly.

"The general is mighty."

"The general is mighty."

At this moment, Yu Jin's arrogance really failed. After hearing his words, the soldiers couldn't help shouting.

Mighty, mighty and extraordinary.

Faced with such a situation, Cheng Yu, Gao Gan and the others all felt greatly encouraged.Yu Jin, a general who cannot be ignored.

With him, and with the addition of Gongsun Ao, he should be comparable to Liu Feng.

And what about Yu Ban?Facing such a kind of support, he was both proud and extremely calm in his heart.He waited for the soldiers' shouts to stop quietly.

He took another deep breath, and let out another shout.

"You should understand who is the person who is going to follow in today's fight. Then, let's talk about the army outside the city. They are indeed strong, too strong. Facing such a strong army, Only a stronger army can defeat it. At this moment, I will choose such an army."

Having said that, Yu Jin paused, and glanced at the [-] elite soldiers with a rather majestic gaze.

And the 3 elite soldiers were also caught in the turmoil, what?Still want to choose?They are already the strongest [-] people selected from the army of [-] to [-].

And still have to choose, how to choose?Could it be that a team of 6000 people is to be selected that is enough to fight against the king's general?

But these [-] elite soldiers were all wrong.They underestimated this moment, Yu Jin's means, completely underestimated. [

"You should know what kind of army is outside. It is invincible, completely invincible. Therefore, at the moment of fighting with them, the casualties are the most. Almost none of them survive. Next, I will Choose the first to fight with the king's general's personal soldiers, 500 people. Those who are not afraid of death and think they are heroes will stand up."

Yu Jin opened his mouth and roared, his words were astonishing.

Yes, soldiers are not fools.Knowing that the people standing at the forefront are the group of people who suffered the most casualties.And fighting against the invincible king's general's personal soldiers, the more you stand in the front, the more dangerous it is.

Few people have such courage, especially those who have already experienced fighting with the king's general and were defeated because of it.

Immediately, many soldiers gasped, and then fell into a state of hesitation.They didn't dare, even though Yu Jin said very well at the moment.

Those who are not afraid of death, who think they are heroes, stand up.

This sentence is well said, one who is not afraid of death is a hero, an unrivaled hero.Killing one is a crime, but killing all is a hero.Killing people requires beheading, but killing 1 people is a hero.

But everyone who killed 1 people started by killing one person.That is to say, people who are not afraid of beheading and death.

If you are not afraid of death, you are a hero. This sentence is very good.

But even so, the soldiers hesitated. After all, there are very few people who are not afraid of death.

And this is precisely the reason why Yu Jin chooses someone who is not afraid of death.Because he could see clearly from the city, he could see the strangeness of the king's general's personal soldiers.

They were all unwanted items. When they wielded the Mo Dao, they didn't think of defending. When they were fighting, they didn't think of retreating.

What kind of faith and courage is that.

And to fight against such an army, you need equal belief and equal courage, otherwise, no matter how many or powerful the army is, it will be of little use.

And based on Yu Jin's experience, he felt that among the 500 troops that could be called the elite of the elite, there were probably [-] of them.

This is also an affirmation of the powerful quality of the king's general's soldiers from the side. There is no doubt that each of the king's general's soldiers is one in a hundred.

For Liu Feng who formed this army, Yu Jin really admired him from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, let's not mention the thoughts in Yu Jin's mind for the time being.But the soldiers, after a while of hesitation, had some changes.

No matter what era it is, there are people who are not afraid of death.In order to be heroes, they are willing to pay the price of their lives.

"Hahaha, even if you are a great hero, you will die. How about my pawns? Blood on the edge of the knife is not safe. Today, for the word "hero" in the general's mouth, what is the use of risking your life? I will come. "

There was a burst of hearty laughter, and then, a soldier stepped out.It stands to reason that the first person to come out is that kind of special character.

But it's a pity that this soldier doesn't look strong, and doesn't look capable, and looks very ordinary. [

But in Yu Jin's eyes, there was a hint of joy.If it is said to be capable and strong, the [-] troops in front of them were selected from among the [-] to [-] troops.

It can be said that even if there is a gap in everyone's physical fitness, the difference will not be too great.And what he lacks is the kind of person who has the same belief and courage as the king's general's personal soldiers.

Undoubtedly, this soldier is a person with that kind of faith and courage.Without him, let's look at the arrogance in his eyebrows, and look at his courage to be the first to step out.

That's enough.

"That's right, I'm also going to meet the soldiers of the invincible king and general."

"Haha, count me in too."

"Hahaha, all seven-foot men are husbands. But how many heroes are there? Today, count me in."

This hesitation is due to the lack of leaders, and now that someone is in the leadership, it immediately caused an effect.After seeing the first soldier, countless soldiers walked out immediately.

If they stood among the [-] elite soldiers, they would look ordinary and lack momentum.But when they gathered together, a overwhelming aura suddenly emerged.

It was a kind of aura that was almost comparable to that of the king's general's personal soldiers.

Faith, courage.

Don't fear death.

Seeing this team, whether it was Yu Jin or a high-ranking official, Cheng Yu and others were full of surprises, and the times make heroes.

Liu Feng has the army of the king and general, who can run rampant in the world.Now, under Liu Feng's coercion, they also have the same large army.

The chances of escaping today have greatly increased.

Happy, happy.

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