I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 502 : Chapter 240 Made a Big Deal

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There are [-] tons of iron ore, [-] high-quality mares, and [-] cowhide.In addition to these raw materials, there are two hundred blacksmiths, one hundred horsemen, three hundred tailors, and thirty craftsmen who can make crossbow bolts.

[-] shi of grain.

Seeing Lu Su's slightly startled look, Cao Ren smiled helplessly, raised his fist and said, "I know, Sun Ce, Yuan Shao and others have given a lot of finished products to Zijing. It's just that Duke Ming really doesn't like these two people." So rich, I can only send some raw materials, craftsmen, please Zijing build it himself."

"The general misunderstood. I don't dislike Mr. Cao's sending less, but I think it's too much." Lu Su said hastily.Indeed, according to these raw materials, nothing can be seen. [

But it is actually very precious. Cao Cao gave more than Yuan Shao and Sun Ce combined.As long as you have time and craftsmen, you can build countless armors, raise countless horses, and countless leather armors.

Even more precious are the [-] craftsmen who can make crossbow bolts, which cannot be found even with a lantern. They belong to the most elite group of craftsmen of each faction.

Surprisingly many.Although it is said that these are the enemy's supplies, there is no need to be too grateful.But on the surface, Lu Su would still be grateful.

"Mr. Cao was in the north, and he was fighting Yuan Shao, but he had so much luggage. He gave it to me. I am really grateful." Lu Su said gratefully.

"Zijing doesn't have to be like this." Cao Ren said with a smile, and then said: "As long as Zijing sits firmly in Xinye, and when Duke Ming defeats Yuan Shao and completely subdues Hebei, Zijing will lead his troops south. As a vanguard, you can conquer Jingchu and serve Minggong."

"If that moment really happened, it would be heartbreaking." Lu Su said solemnly.

"That's great." Cao Ren laughed.Immediately, Cao Ren raised his fist and said goodbye: "The task has been completed, and it is time for me to lead my troops back to Wancheng. Let me leave."

"Farewell." Lu Su raised his fist and said.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Ren turned his horse's head and led the army to leave quickly, leaving only nearly [-] supply vehicles for Lu Su.

Lu Su looked up and saw that they were all pulled by horses.One hundred thousand tons of raw iron ore is so heavy that people cannot pull it.Although these horses are inferior horses at first glance, they are also a considerable fortune.

"General Zhao, General Zhao, take them away, take them all away." Looking at the raw materials for making weapons and the craftsmen, Lu Su couldn't help but feel delighted, and turned his head to Zhao Yun who was behind and ordered loudly.

"Promise." Zhao Yun promised, led the generals, came up to control the horses, and walked together.

Not long after, the baggage of nearly [-] carriages, hundreds of craftsmen, and their families merged into Liu Feng's team.Almost in the blink of an eye, Lu Su, Zhao Yun, Tian Feng and others helped Liu Feng unceremoniously digest the supplies presented by the enemy Cao Cao.

"My lord, here is the list." After dealing with these matters, Lu Su brought the list to Liu Feng's carriage, and handed it in through the window.

Liu Feng took the bamboo slips, unfolded them and looked at them, and there was a bit of joy in his eyes.

Compared with Yuan Shao and Sun Ce, Cao Cao is indeed more generous.Although the luggage he sent was all raw materials, the value was much higher.

"Okay." Liu Feng shouted "Okay."

Very happy.

"Let's go, continue to the south, and go to Xinye. Our plan has begun." Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng laughed loudly. [


Lu Su's spirit lifted, and he agreed.

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