I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 806 : Chapter 399 The invisible big hand opened

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Just now Kuai Yue proposed to suppress Lu Su together with the princes of the Quartet, but that was using it. (web www>

This contradiction was sunken all of a sudden.The two have enmity, how can they cooperate?Moreover, now that Jingchu is alone and alone, the power of Jiangxia prefect Huang Zu has become particularly important.

The prefect of Jiangxia killed Sun Jian, but he was also afraid of Sun Ce's revenge.

All kinds of contradictions, just like what Zhang Zhao thought outside the door, it is very difficult to cooperate. [

But in the face of this pressure, Zhang Zhao became more and more determined.

"This cooperation does not only involve war, I believe it can give us a little bit of basic trust. As for the matter of Jiangxia prefect Huang Zu, I believe Mr. Yidu can handle it." Ignoring the voices of the ministers around, Zhang Zhao only looked at Having invested in Kuai Yue, Zhang Zhao is very clear about who is in charge of Jingchu now.

There is no war involved.

After hearing Zhang Zhao's words, Kuai Yue's heart was moved. He was different from the ministers. Even if he was in the company of wolves, he still wanted to get rid of Lu Su.There is no rejection of cooperation, and it still does not involve war.

As soon as they heard that there was no war involved, the vigilant eyes of the ministers in the hall suddenly weakened by more than half.This does not involve war, and there are fewer tricks behind it.

"How to cooperate?" Kuai Yue asked after pondering for a moment.

"Before talking about cooperation, I must first explain the purpose of our cooperation." Zhang Zhao did not answer Kuai Yue's words immediately, but raised his head and glanced at the civil and military personnel in the hall, and finally fixed on Kuai Yue.Taking a deep breath, Zhang Zhao said, "Our goal is to eradicate Lu Su. As long as we have this goal and trust each other, our cooperation can be close."

Speaking of this, Zhang Zhao paused, and said again: "Lu Su's rise, I believe you have a deep understanding of the threat. Apart from Lu Su's urgency, you should also understand. As for the opportunity, Marquis Wu formulated One strategy, together with Jingzhou, Hanzhong, Zhang Lu, and Cao Cao, to deal with Lu Su."

As he said that, Zhang Zhao explained Sun Ce's strategy in detail.

Suddenly, the eyes of everyone in the hall lit up.A common goal is the best medicine, which can make the two originally hostile forces blend in harmony.

Instead of sending troops, there is no need to be wary of each other.

The basis for this cooperation is in place, and what is even more ingenious is this strategy.

Using salt to restrict Lu Su's development, no one is unaware of the role of salt.If the four counties under Lu Su's tent are allowed to cut off salt for a long time.

This is the wonderful way to make Lu Su self-defeating.

It can be said that Zhang Zhao's speaking skills are very clever, he cuts straight to the point and speaks out.He survived the most basic trust of these ministers, and then launched a strategy to win the hearts of the ministers.

It is undeniable that at this moment, Kuai was more moved.

"Different degree, this method is wonderful. It can kill Lu Su."

"Yes, under the current circumstances, this is the best way to kill Lu Su."

"You can kill the enemy without losing your own strength. This is really a wonderful method." [

After pondering for a moment, the civil and military ministers said to Kuai Yue that almost all of them supported Kuai Yue's cooperation with Jiangdong to destroy Lu Su.

At this moment, the civil and military ministers of Jingchu can be said to have swept away the decadence that the three elders of Jingchu had defected to Lu Su just now, and became energetic again.

It seemed that Lu Su's disillusionment was right in front of him.

Not as if, but confirmed.The four cooperate to block the Quartet.Lu Su can still have three heads and six arms, what kind of troubles can't be done?

Civil and military ministers have almost seen the day of Lu Su's demise.

The city of Xinye was broken, blood flowed like rivers, and Lu Su's commander-in-chief flag was crooked.Lu Su died.

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