I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 808 : Chapter 400 Hanzhong County

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So far, the conversation between the two parties has ended.Read the latest chapter of VIP \\Jiangdong and Jingzhou cooperate to suppress Lu Su.Kill Lu Su.The ministers present, Liu Cong breathed a sigh of relief seeing this situation.

"Come here, set up a banquet, I just want to entertain Mr. Zhang." Liu Cong couldn't eat and couldn't sleep, but now Zhang Zhao, together with him, offered a plan to destroy Lu Su. He was very happy and very agile, and ordered road.

"Promise." A small official promised, and went down to prepare.

Soon after, a banquet, singing and dancing was held in the hall to celebrate the beginning of the cooperation.Many civil and military men were so drunk that they all foresaw Lu Su's demise. They returned to Xiangyang and continued to live a life of intoxication and gold. [


Hanzhong County was established on the Hanzhong Plain, with nine counties under it and a population of hundreds of thousands.

In the troubled times at the end of the Han Dynasty, this Hanzhong can be regarded as a chiba.Zhang Lu, the prefect, believed in Taoism, so the church and the state were united, with official power and divine power.

This made Zhang Lu's position as solid as Mount Tai.

In military affairs, Zhang Lu will use the ability of faith to make his soldiers brave and good at fighting without fear of death.This gave Hanzhong the ability to suppress Liu Zhang in Yizhou.

In governing Hanzhong, Zhang Lu believed in the style of tolerance and peace, and he made mistakes. He only needs to repair a hundred steps of the road to atone for his sins.Set up charity houses in the local area, and set up meals for the passing travelers to eat.

This situation makes Hanzhong County not only rich and stable, but also the combat effectiveness of the army is extremely strong.

No matter who owns this piece of land, ambition will breed.Zhang Lu is no exception. He wants to occupy more cities and become king.

And Jiang Dong intends to use Zhang Lu's ambition to seek cooperation, and ask Zhang Lu to deal with Lu Su at the expense of Shangyong County.

As a bridge connecting the two parties, Jiangdong's capable minister Gu Yong finally arrived in Hanzhong after a long journey.

As soon as he entered Hanzhong, Gu Yong immediately felt the difference in Hanzhong, the simple folk customs, Taoist facilities everywhere, and charity houses everywhere.

Although Zhang Lu sits in Hanzhong, he is known as the rice thief.To be honest, Gu Yong looked down on Zhang Lu to some extent in the past, but now he deeply feels the strength of Hanzhong.

However, Gu Yong was also very pleasantly surprised, because the stronger Zhang Lu's power, the greater the threat to Lu Su, and the stronger the power exerted in this joint vertical.

Think about it, if Zhang Lu, who is also a political power and theocracy, prevents the salt dealers from entering Jingchu through Hanzhong, wouldn't it be difficult for the salt dealers to go to the sky?

"Lu Su, Lu Su, no matter how tricky you are this time, it's hard to escape this trick arranged by Mr. Zibu. After one trick, you can only wait for death in despair."

This day was Gu Yong's third day in the Hanzhong Plain today, and a team consisting of a carriage and more than ten entourages headed for Nanzheng City not far away.

On the carriage, Gu Yong felt the power emanating from Hanzhong in the past three days, which made his confidence swell a lot.

As Zhang Zhao thought, when Gu Yong was ordered to go north to connect with Lu Su, Lu Su abducted a batch of luggage from Jiangdong, and it was this batch of luggage that made Lu Su grow stronger.

Although Sun Ce did not blame Gu Yong, Gu Yong was ashamed.He also took the elimination of Lu Su as his goal, and now he is an envoy to Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. [

Not only full of confidence, but also more determined.Get rid of Lu Su to avenge him with one arrow.

Gu Yong's eyes were filled with the determination to avenge shame.

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