I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 812 : Chapter 402 Cao Cao is Happy

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Zhang Lu is in a good mood because he can earn a county with just a little effort. (Fiction Network)

"Hehe." Gu Yong chuckled and was in a good mood.


North, Guandu. [

The Battle of Guandu is still going on.Because of Liu Feng's strong intervention, the original history has changed a lot, and Cao Ren even suffered a big defeat in Wancheng.

Not only lost Niu Jin, but also lost most of the elite soldiers.

This situation further weakened the power Cao Cao could use.As a result, the situation in the Battle of Guandu completely favored Yuan Shao.

But Cao Cao was also capable, and he tried his best to launch a defense like a copper wall and an iron wall, intending to fight Yuan Shao to the death.

The Battle of Guandu felt like it was being stretched out.

However, it is not surprising for the two parties involved. During the Warring States Period, each major war may last for a year or a half, or even longer.

A great war, in the eyes of the parties, is a real battle for supremacy, whoever wins will be the hegemon of the world.It's no surprise that it's been a few years.

In Guandu, in Cao Cao's large tent of the Chinese army.

Cao Cao sat alone on the handsome seat, meditating.

The battle with Yuan Shao was still the same. Yuan Shao had the upper hand, but he was coy and unable to break through his defense.This war has lasted for several months, and Cao Cao is already tired of it.

There is no fighter, and there is nothing like it.

Therefore, Cao Cao's mind is placed in the south.Cao Ren failed. When he heard the news, Cao Cao couldn't believe his eyes.

Cao Ren is his clan brother, and the two have fought side by side for many years. Cao Cao knows Cao Ren's ability best.It can almost be said that he is invincible in the world. Even if Cao Cao leads the army to fight against Cao Ren, he may not be able to secure the chance of winning.

But Cao Ren was defeated by Lu Su, and he still failed when Lu Su faced the princes of the three parties.This incident had a great impact on Cao Cao.

However, this is not what Cao Cao cares most about. What Cao Cao cares most about is the news that just arrived not long ago.Sima Hui, Pang Degong, and Huang Chengyan from Jingchu defected to Lu Su.

This incident had the greatest impact on Cao Cao.

The three of them are famous Confucian scholars all over the world, especially in Jingchu, whose prestige can be said to be almost top-notch.Cao Cao knew very well what effect these three people would have if they defected to Lu Su.

Lu Su's power will become stronger and stronger.

"Liu Biao, Liu Biao. You have been in Jingchu for more than ten years, and you finally made a wedding dress for Lu Su, and you left me with a lot of trouble." [

The more Cao Cao thought about it, the more his forehead hurt, and his attitude towards Liu Biao was also very bad.

Liu Biao's ability is also too low, so he was in vain to be known as the dog of guarding the soil, and even Xiangyang was lost in the end.The wealth accumulated over the past ten years was all given to Lu Su.

Big trouble now.

"Master Bao Ming, a Jiangdong envoy who claims to be Zhuge Jin has arrived." Just when Cao Cao felt a headache, a small official came in from the outside and reported.

"An envoy from Jiangdong?" Hearing this news, Cao Cao was surprised at first, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"I was thinking about how to deal with Lu Su, but this Sun Ce automatically sent him to make a knife. It's really timely." Cao Cao felt very happy.

But it was expected that Jiangdong's envoy would be a knife against Lu Su.

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