I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 817 : Chapter 405 Liu Feng's Unwillingness

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Chapter [-]: Liu Feng's Unwillingness

When Liu Feng heard that Tian Feng was looking for him, he immediately became serious. (⊙﹏⊙⊙﹏⊙)

Now Tian Feng is working with Yi Ji, Sima Hui, Huang Chengyan, and Pang Degong to formulate the selection system for officials. Tian Feng himself is also the governor of Xinye, and the construction of Xinye City also falls on Tian Feng's shoulders. I'm too busy to do my best.

Apart from routine reports, he seldom came to look for Liu Feng.But now he is sending someone over to find him, so something must have happened. [

Liu Feng was serious in his heart and didn't dare to delay, he waved his hand and said: "Go back and ask Tian Feng to wait in General Yang Wei's mansion, and just say that I will go back immediately."

"Promise." The knight made a promise when he heard the words, immediately got on his horse, and galloped towards Yang Wei Zhonglang's mansion.

"Prepare the car, let's go back." After the knight left, Liu Feng did not neglect.ordered.

"No." Dong Xi promised, and went down to deal with it.Not long after, Liu Feng sat in the carriage, surrounded by a group of guards, and headed for General Yang Wei's residence.

Soon, Yang Wei Zhonglang's mansion was in front of him.Liu Feng asked Ma Chao to stop, quickly got out of the carriage, entered the mansion, and went straight into the hall.

In the hall, not only Tian Feng, but also Jiang Wan and Lu Su were there.

After Liu Feng saw these three people, his heart sank slightly.I thought it was just Tian Feng looking for him, even if it was a major issue, it was only about governing the state and county, but I didn't expect Lu Su to be there.

It seems that this major event must have involved both military and political aspects.Moreover, Tian Feng, Jiang Wan, and Lu Su's faces were full of solemnity, and this may not be just a general event.

After stopping at the door for a moment, Liu Feng took a deep breath, boldly walked to the top seat in the hall, and knelt down.

"Meet Your Highness."

After Tian Feng, Jiang Wan, and Lu Su Jian Liu Feng sat down on their knees, they all paid respects to the Taoist priest.

"Let's avoid these etiquettes. Tell Gu quickly what happened." Liu Feng frowned slightly when he heard this, and said.

"Promise." Tian Feng promised, and then said slowly: "According to the information, Zhang Lu, Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Kuai Yue have set up countless checkpoints around Xinye to restrict the entry of salt. This news has not yet been released." It spreads, but once it spreads, I am afraid that the salt price in the four counties of Xinye will skyrocket. The resulting turmoil is unimaginable."

Liu Feng's face became extremely ugly.

It's not that Liu Feng can't stand the storm. When Liu Biao died, facing this opportunity, Liu Feng could brazenly launch a war against the three sides without frowning.

After going through this war, Liu Feng can be regarded as a person who has experienced the big world and confronted the heroes of the world.But it was head-to-head, if it happened again and again, Liu Feng would definitely not frown.

But the problem is yin.

And it's still so cold, if one doesn't handle it well, the storm may capsize and kill people.

Salt, no one knows better than Liu Feng what will happen if the human body lacks salt.People will become limp and their hair will turn gray. [

If it is more serious, it may cause death.

The rising prices mentioned by Tian Feng are just the beginning.This rise in prices will cause people to loot and rob, leading to violence.And as time goes by, table salt will become less and less, and the price will become higher and higher.

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