I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

第824章:第408章 明1手,暗1手

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Liu Feng was already thoughtful, but now following Lu Su's words, he also thought of more. \%>_<%Original_Creation%>_<%\

"Cao Cao wants to deal with Yuan Shao, and after the last battle, Cao Rentun lost more than half of his soldiers, so he will be more careful, and maybe he will become a turtle. And Kuai Yue can't protect himself. It seems that we have to use one There are four enemies, but the only ones to deal with are Sun Ce and Zhang Lu." Liu Feng quickly understood the key point, and couldn't help saying happily.

With one against four, the odds of winning are absolutely slim.But with one against two, the chances of winning have greatly increased.

"The only problem now is the combat effectiveness of Zhang Lu's army. If the information is not bad, Zhang Lu's army is stronger than Liu Biao, and it is much stronger. Even if we are only one against two at that time, but for Cao Cao , Kuai Yue's vigilance is still indispensable. This situation means that the number of troops we can send is not large. It is not easy to quickly defeat Zhang Lu." Tian Feng interjected. [

"This Gu knows that Zhang Lu is not as miserable as he imagined. But Gu is not bad, Zilong, Zhongye and other strong generals are all there. I don't worry about tidying up Zhang Lu. Gu will make Zhang Lu regret it, Coveting the city under the lonely tent." Liu Feng said with a confident smile when he heard the words.

When Tian Feng heard the words, he didn't say anything anymore, since Liu Feng was confident, he didn't worry about it anymore.

In this way, he never bowed his head, only the decision to fight and fight was made, and even the specific war goals were set.Next, is to accumulate strength.

First, he ordered Pang Tong to recruit recruits more quickly, and then ordered Huang Zhong to increase the number of soldiers and horses in his battalion more quickly.Finally, Zhao Yun, Wenpin, and Wang Wei were ordered to prepare for war.

Finally, the Iraqi nationality was sent as an envoy to Hanzhong.There is only one purpose, to confuse Zhang Lu.


Jiangdong, Wu County.

At the beginning, after the Northern Expedition, Sun Ce sang all the way, and he was about to conquer Shouchun and unify Yangzhou, so he ordered to move the government office and enter Shouchun.

As a result, half of the migration, they were defeated.At the beginning, some losses were caused, but there was no other way but to relocate the government office back to Wu County.

At this moment, Sun Ce, most of the generals in the army, and most of Jiangdong's available troops are not in Wu County.

The reason is that Cheng Pu died, and his reputation was gone.A group of Shanyue people in the deep mountains and old forests that were suppressed by Cheng Pu at the beginning began to move around.

Sun Ce led his troops to guard the dangerous points, intending to put down the rebellion.

Now Zhang Zhao is in charge in Wu County. Zhang Zhao's envoy to Liu Biao went smoothly, so naturally he returned soon.

At this moment, in Wu County, in the study of Zhang Zhao's official residence, Zhang Zhao is processing some forms from various places in Jiangdong.These tables are a bit special.

Sun Ce used the tactic of salt, which caught Lu Su by surprise, but he killed a thousand enemies and lost eight hundred.This blocked the export of salt, and it was not a small loss for Jiangdong.

It also directly affected the prosperity of Jiangdong, so many county magistrates and sheriffs began to petition to lift the blockade.

This loss, not to mention these officials, even Zhang Zhaona is very distressed.But Zhang Zhao knew that the momentary pain now is for the joy in the future.

As long as Lu Su perishes, no matter how big the loss is, it will be worth it.

All the envoys have been sent out, and he even returned from Jingzhou.Now it is estimated that Zhang Lu, Cao Cao, and Kuai Yue have all moved. [

The price of salt in the four counties of Xinye has also begun to rise steadily.

When Zhang Zhao thought of this, all the troubles in his heart were swept away immediately.

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