I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 826 : Chapter 409 Greedy Zhang Lu

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"Yes. \%>_<%_网_原_创%>_<%\" Yiji nodded, took out a roll of bamboo slips from his cuff and handed it over.

"Wait a moment." The guard took the bamboo slips, said a word, then turned and entered the eunuch's mansion.After a long time, he came out and said falsely, "My lord is here to invite you."

"Thank you." Yi Ji was overjoyed, it would be great if we could meet.This is a show of weakness, and delaying time will not be a problem.If you can't even see each other, then there's nothing you can do.

At this moment, in the study of the prefect's mansion. [

Zhang Lu and Yan Pu sat down separately. Just now, the guards came to report that Lu Su had also sent someone, but Zhang Lu was quite surprised.

"This Lu Su's movements are really fast." Zhang Lu sighed.

"It can be seen from this that Lu Su is indeed a capable person. Not only did he quickly sense something was wrong, but he also decisively sent Yi Ji over." Yan Pu said with a smile.His expression was very calm, without any surprise.

Seeing Yan Pu's expression, Zhang Lu's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "What kind of trick did you see?"

"At this moment, Qiqi, the princes of the four directions, used a joint strategy against Lu Su to block the salt road. If there is a long-term shortage of salt, Lu Su will die. But if he can get through one of the princes, Lu Su can sit back and relax. Dare to ask My lord, why did Lu Su choose Hanzhong alone instead of other princes?" Yan Pu asked with a smile.

"The old man and that Lu Su have less grievances." Zhang Lu knew the elegance after listening to the sound of the piano, and immediately understood, his eyes brightened.

"Yes, the lord and Lu Su have no grievances or enmities, but Lu Su and the other three parties have bitter and deep hatred. This time when Na Yiji comes, I can predict that he must be begging for mercy. At that time, the lord can play by ear." , the lion opened his mouth wide."

Yan Pu nodded and said decisively.

"Okay." Zhang Lu yelled "Hello" when he heard the words, very happy.At the same time, Zhang Lu already understood what Yan Pu meant.

Lu Su has been forced to the edge of a cliff and begged for mercy.It's a good time for the lion to open his mouth. Isn't he going to Shangyong County?

Then ask for it.If Lu Su is willing to give it, it will save a lot of effort.As for whether to keep his promise and open the salt road after taking the city, it depends on his mood.

It is said that Lu Su led his troops to attack Xiangyang and obtained all the money in Xiangyang.You know, Jingzhou is very rich, much stronger than Hanzhong.

And most of Jingchu's wealth is concentrated in Xiangyang, so Lu Su is also very rich.If he can donate one or two of Xiangyang's money, plus Shangyong County, he may be in a good mood, and he can make friends with Lu Su and let go of this salt road.

Zhang Lu's mind is very active, and at the same time, he is also very clear about the current situation. He is not connected to Jiangdong Sun Ce, Jingchu Liu, and Cao Cao's forces, and it is nothing to ruin his promise.

And he took Lu Su's city and money, and let go of the salt road.Not only was it not extortion, but Lu Su owed him a favor.That is sending charcoal in the snow, otherwise Lu Su will die.

What is this not a favor?

Furthermore, even if Lu Su was dissatisfied that he had won Shangyong, he would not take the initiative to send troops, because Lu Su had enough enemies.Which of Cao Cao, Kuai Yue, and Sun Ce is the most fuel-efficient lamp?

When Lu Su fought them to the death, he digested Shangyong, and his power rose greatly.At that time, it is even more unlikely that Lu Su will be right with him.

It would not offend others, and it would not be against Lu Su who is on the border. How wonderful. [

Play by ear.After Zhang Lu figured it out in his heart, only these four words remained.

At this moment, Yi Ji tidied up his appearance outside the door and walked in.

"Yi Ji, an official under General Yang Weilu's tent, pays his respects to Governor Zhang." As soon as he entered the door, Yi Ji greeted Zhang Lu with courtesy.

"Excuse me, sir." On the one hand, Yiji has a good appearance, with straight eyes, and a world-class phoenix.On the other hand, Zhang Lu also expected to obtain Shangyong County from Yi Ji.Nature is amiable.

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