I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 828 : Chapter 410 Dealing with Zhang Lu

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Yi Ji sneered even more when he heard this. (www>

Zhang Lu did a good job in this business. It is estimated that the deal with Sun Ce is Shangyong County, but it is Shangyong County with them, plus a batch of materials in Xiangyang City.

This is because they have taken a fancy to the four counties of Xinye, which are in great danger, and took advantage of the fire to rob.However, having said that, with Zhang Lu's strength and the current situation, Zhang Lu really has that capital.

If it is placed on ordinary people, in order to solve the current crisis.As soon as he gritted his teeth, he confessed.But His Royal Highness the Crown Prince not only sensed Zhang Lu's intentions, but even made preparations. [

It only needs to delay for a while, so that Zhang Lu can relax his vigilance, and then the army can be dispatched.Even Cao Ren and Sun Ce were caught off guard and suffered the loss of the crown prince.What's more, you little Zhang Lu?

Yi Ji already regarded Zhang Lu as a dead person in his heart, but his face showed shock and hesitation. In the end, Yi Ji raised his fist and said, "This is a big matter, and I can't make the decision."

At this time, Zhang Lu spoke.He smiled slightly and said: "This matter, the old man also foresees that the master can't make the decision. You can go to Xinye quickly, ask Lu Su's mind, and then tell the old man before it's too late."

At this moment, Zhang Lu was smiling, but the next moment, Zhang Lu's smile faded, and he said coldly: "However, don't make me wait too long, after all, I have taken a considerable risk to clarify this misunderstanding." Risky. Cao Cao and Sun Ce are not easy to mess with."

This last sentence, Zhang Lu said in a stern voice.But Yiji was greatly relieved when he heard it, and it was delayed for a while.

Presumably, His Highness can also take this opportunity to make preparations.

As for the content of Zhang Lu's last sentence, Yi Ji sneered again and again.You Zhang Lu sits in Hanzhong, and you don’t border Cao Cao and Sun Ce, so what does it matter if you offend them?

However, these Iraqis are just in mind.On the face, Yiji immediately expressed gratitude: "Thank you sir for your understanding of my difficulties." As he said that, Yiji said with a firm face: "Please rest assured, sir, I will send someone to report to General Lu immediately, and ask the general to make a decision."

"Sir, whatever you want." Zhang Lu said with a nod as he regained his amiable expression upon hearing this.

"My lord, wait a moment, go down and go back." Yiji immediately raised his fist and said, then turned and walked out.

As soon as Yiji left, Yan Pu smiled and said to Zhang Lu: "My lord has made a decision?"

"It will take a few months to consume Lu Su to death with salt. The old man can't wait to go to the top right now. As for Sun Ce, let him hang out for a while. Anyway, the old man has repented, so he can't do anything to the old man." So." Zhang Lu didn't answer directly, but the meaning of the words was obvious.

"My lord is wise." Yan Pu smiled slightly when he heard the words, bent over and said.

"Haha." Zhang Lu laughed.

I feel very comfortable. I thought it would take a few months to harvest Shangyong.Now the unexpected comes, intending to reconcile.

begged for him.

The fat sheep delivered to the door can not only collect Shangyong quickly, but also obtain a batch of military funds from Xiangyang.It's the best of both worlds, a good thing you can't find even with a lantern.

Previously, Zhang Lu had dispatched Zhang Wei to keep an eye on the frontier guards in case Lu Su suddenly exploded.But Zhang Lu, in Yan Pu's heart, did not expect that Lu Su decided to fight.

Moreover, while dispatching envoys, they decisively lined up troops. [

This is the fault of self-confidence, self-confidence that Lu Su will not take the risk of dealing with the four princes and launch troops against Hanzhong.And I don't know, Lu Su is Lu Su, and Liu Feng is Liu Feng.

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