I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 832 : Chapter 412 Sending troops

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"The final general will definitely do his best." Wen Pin responded.

Soon after, Liu Feng and Wenpin returned to the big tent in the army. After a short conversation, Wenpin's army began to assemble.

Soon after, Wang Wei's army began to merge into Wenpin's camp. [

In the school grounds, Wenpin and Wang Wei each led their troops to line up.On the general's platform, Liu Feng was condescending, looking down on the two armies.

Wenpin and Wang Wei are both strong and fierce, and they are among the fierce generals.The [-] soldiers were also elite soldiers who followed the second general and fought countless bloody battles.

Standing on the commander's platform, facing the eyes of all the soldiers, Liu Feng only felt a kind of arrogance, rushing straight at him.

If Liu Feng was an ordinary person, and only nine years old, facing this oncoming forceful aura.Even if he didn't faint on the spot, it would be untenable.

But Liu Feng was very human. Not only did he not feel uneasy, but he enjoyed it quite a bit.Great army, when he was in Xudu, how much he wanted to have a big army.

For Dong Cheng's battalion of [-] elite soldiers, Liu Feng calculated day and night to save Dong Cheng.At that time, Liu Feng was so carefree.Since leaving Xudu, it has been out of control.

There are twelve thousand troops in front of us, each led by a strong general.Liu Feng still has three such troops, and Pang Tong's army is also developing.

As many as tens of thousands.

Back then, Liu Feng had no power and power. For the sake of profit, he dared to challenge Cao Cao, taking millet out of the fire, and laid a solid foundation for his current little bully, Jing Chu.

Now with tens of thousands of elite soldiers in hand, why be afraid of Zhang Luxie?

Thinking of this, Liu Feng felt proud.

"The Han Dynasty collapsed, and the world's traitors and sycophants rose together. The man Zhang Lu sits in Hanzhong, and he is far away from thousands of miles away. His prestige is supreme. However, he does not want to be the shepherd of the Han Dynasty, but tries to annex Shangyong. For this reason, he did not hesitate to fight with the traitor Cao Cao, Sun Ce and Kuai Yue teamed up to block the salt road, making my four counties in Xinye without salt, and my arrogance is boundless. But I don’t know my uncle Lu Su, who sits in Xinye and is a general. Not long ago, we defeated Cao Ren, Xiangyang, and Sun Ce with one enemy and three What kind of green onion is he, Zhang Lu, coveting Shangyong. Send troops today, break his army, kill others, and annex other states and counties."

Liu Feng was young, only nine years old, but the last time he was nine years old, he scolded Sun Ce's counselor Liu Ye, making Liu Ye face north and become a lone minister of the Han Dynasty.

Under Lu Su's dissemination, Liu Feng's reputation continued to rise, and he tended to catch up with the morale of the Warring States Period.Therefore, in the four counties of Xinye, the prestige is not small.

Now the words, although the voice is immature, but they are sonorous and powerful, with arrogance and prestige, but they can hold the scene.

What Liu Feng said was a bit incomprehensible to the soldiers.But some of the meanings are obvious. First of all, the first sentence is Zhang Lu, which has a strong taste of contempt.

The last sentence, send troops today, break other troops, kill others, and annex other states and counties.The heroic spirit suddenly arises, and the domineering spirit is unparalleled.

Domineering is also hungry, it depends on who is domineering, if someone else said these words, it would be somewhat arrogant.Even if it is as powerful as Cao Cao, if he wants to destroy Zhang Lu, he must fight in a serious manner, and he can't talk so deadly.

Because on the battlefield, everything changes rapidly.Even if Sun Wu is reborn, he dare not say that he has a [-]% chance of winning.Up to ninety percent. [

But Liu Feng said he was dead, but this didn't make people feel arrogant.Because the person who spoke was Liu Feng, who was less than ten years old, but who had a lot of prestige, who could scold Liu Ye in his decades, he ran away in shame.

A person who can compare with the ancient Ganluo.

"The little general is mighty, he broke his city and annexed other states and counties, so that the four counties have salt."

I don't know if they yelled first, and finally, a total of twelve thousand elite soldiers uttered this roar in unison.

"The little general is mighty, he broke his city and annexed other states and counties, so that the four counties have salt."

The sound covers the whole field, domineering.

"Hahaha." Liu Feng laughed, and then gave the order.

"send troops."

"Promise." Wenpin, Wang Wei immediately agreed, and not long after, [-] troops left Xinye and went to Shangyong.

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