I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 839 : Chapter 416 Zhao Yun uses tricks

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Chapter 410 Six Zhao Yun's Strategies

Outside Linhuai City, after a day's march, Zhao Yun and Liu Xun's [-] elite soldiers arrived here. \%>_<%_original_creation%>_<%\

From the equipment of this army, there is no difference.But if you distinguish carefully, you can detect that this army is actually composed of two armies.

One of them is very powerful, and the other is more ordinary. [

Although the capable army did not show arrogance, the ordinary army seemed to be a head shorter involuntarily, not daring to look at the capable army.

This capable army is naturally Zhao Yun's elite soldiers, and the more ordinary ones are Liu Xun's army.

Although Liu Xun's army is also known as the elite, but after all, there is no strong general to lead it, which is relatively weak in momentum.

According to Zhao Yun's calculations, although their army was [-], but according to Zhao Yun's own specification of elite troops, I am afraid they can only be used as [-].

In front of the army, Zhao Yun and Liu Xun rode their horses side by side.

"General Zhao, according to the intelligence of the spies, when Sun Ce went south, he planned to leave Cheng Pu to lead [-] elite soldiers to guard, but Cheng Pu was killed by the general. So Sun Ce retreated and took the second place, and Huang Gai led the troops of the battalion. Ma and Pan Zhang have a total of [-] soldiers and horses guarding Linhuai. During these days, they have been stationed in Linhuai to repair the city and win the hearts of the people. This makes Linhuai quite strong, and it would be difficult to break through it without a clever strategy."

Liu Xun said with a sigh and helplessness on his face.

As a military commander, he has no way to defeat the enemy.What a shame.

Zhao Yun didn't speak. He raised his head and looked at Linhuai City carefully. The city is tall and strong.On the city, banners are also flying, and the soldiers are capable.

It seems that morale is also impregnable.

Moreover, the famous Jiangdong generals Cheng Pu and Pan Zhang are guarding the city. Such a city is indeed difficult to break through.

But this city had to be breached.In fact, Liu Feng's launch of this war has nothing to do with Sun Ce. As long as he invades Hanzhong and opens the road to Yizhou, the salt in Yizhou will be available at his fingertips.

The main purpose of attacking Linhuai was to contain Sun Ce's power, and by the way, help Liu Xun expand his power and resist Sun Ce.

Therefore, I don't want to defeat Sun Ce, but I must take this city.

"If you are not capable of fighting, you can only use tricks." After Zhao Yun looked at it for a while, he did not find any flaws.So I secretly said in my heart.

"I heard that Huang Gai and Cheng Pu have been brothers for many years?" Suddenly, Zhao Yun's heart moved, he turned his head and asked Liu Xun.

"It is indeed a brother who has been in the army for many years." Liu Xun was taken aback when he heard the words, not knowing why Zhao Yun mentioned Cheng Pu who had died for a long time at this time, but after a moment, he quickly replied.

"Then if Huang Gai sees Cheng Pu's head being played with outside the city, will he become angry and lead his troops to seize it?"

Zhao Yun asked. [

"This, there is a [-]% possibility." Liu Xun hesitated for a while when he heard the words, and then replied.

It's not that he can't bear to desecrate the corpse, but calculates the probability.

"Six achievements are enough for a try." Zhao Yun nodded and said.

"Okay, then I will immediately send someone to deliver Cheng Pu's coffin and take his head." Liu Xun nodded immediately after hearing this.A little excited.

"That's not necessary. Cheng Pu is a famous general anyway, and I respect him a lot, so I won't really desecrate his corpse. Just find a carpenter, get a wooden head, put on a golden helmet, and use it as Cheng Pu's head."

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