I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 846 : Chapter 419 Defeating Huang Gai

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Although he pretended to be calm just now and ordered to beat the drums to cheer him on, he didn't have any trust in Zhao Yun's ability to win.

He was even ready and lined up, and when Zhao Yun was defeated, he was ready to respond.

Liu Xun has done a lot of this kind of thing, and his army is not like Liu Feng's army, which often fights and wins.Facing Sun Ce alone, he didn't know how many times he lost. [

The experience in this area is extremely rich.

But now it seems that what he did was useless.General Zhao is simply a peerless general, turning defeat into victory just overnight.

His worry and lack of confidence are simply insulting Zhao Yun.

Seeing that the defeat was set, but it turned defeat into victory.Victory came so quickly, happiness came so boldly.

"General Zhao is mighty, General Zhao is mighty." Liu Xun stretched his arms and shouted, then turned around suddenly, and shouted at the drummers behind: "Hammer, give me a hammer. After the battle, there will be rewards .”

Liu Xun had never been as happy as he felt at this moment. He was suppressed and beaten by Sun Ce, and he was always suppressed and beaten by Sun Ce.Although last time, he assisted Zhao Yun to defeat Sun Ce.

But then I didn't feel anything, but this time I felt it.Although with the help of Zhao Yun's hand, he really felt this kind of joy.

Jiangdong Xiaobawang is nothing special.

But at the same time of happiness, Liu Xun couldn't help feeling envious of Lu Su who was far away in Xinye.He fought against the bully and was defeated in every battle.

Even if you fight against Huang Gai, you will probably lose.But Lu Su only sent Zhao Yun over, and he was able to defeat Huang Gai with a partial division, which was many times stronger than him.

If he had a Zhao Yun under his command, he would divide his troops to fight against the enemy, and win big, big victory, big victory.You don't have to do it yourself, your subordinates will handle it for you.What a majestic and refreshing thing that is.

At this moment, Liu Xun had no choice but to envy, had to envy.But it's a pity that envy can't come.Liu Xun knew clearly that with a strong general like Zhao Yun, he couldn't win over him.

It's not that high-ranking officials can't give it, but Zhao Yun wouldn't take it if he gave it to others.

How can such a general give in to him?Liu Xun used to be quite proud, but this time he took it easy, knowing that he would not be able to obtain a general like Zhao Yun.

Just when Pan Zhang and Liu Xun's hearts were turned upside down, Zhao Yun had already started to suppress Huang Gai's army and killed him, and Huang Gai also knew that the situation was overwhelming, so he started fighting and retreating.

Just like how Huang Gai beat Zhao Yun back then.The only difference is that Zhao Yun fought and retreated, seemingly in chaos, but calmly.

However, Huang Gai's battle and retreat, but there is a faint trend of a big defeat.Fortunately, the city gate was not far away, and the soldiers could barely keep their minds up and fight while retreating, otherwise they would have been defeated long ago.

But even so, Huang Gai's army left most of the corpses and retreated back to the city.

When Huang Gai led the crowd back to the city, Zhao Yun was of course unwilling to give up.He ordered the pursuit. If he could take advantage of the situation and attack the city, it would really be a battle to the Huaihe River. [

But Pan Zhang was already prepared. The moment he saw Huang Gai enter the city, he roared, "Archer, shoot."

Suddenly, it was raining on the city.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

Many soldiers rushing forward were shot by arrows and fell to the ground screaming.

Zhao Yun stopped attacking immediately, and attacked the city with their two thousand elite soldiers, it was crazy.No matter what, we must cooperate with Liu Xun's army to attack the city together.

What's more, after this battle, Huang Gai's army was defeated, and his morale was bound to suffer. Linhuai, which was originally extremely strong, was bound to have weaknesses.

In a flash of thought, Zhao Yun made a decision.


Following Zhao Yun's order, the army retreated like a tide with the arrogance of defeating Huang Gai.

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