I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 855 : Chapter 424 City Breakdown

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Chapter 420 The Fourth City Breaks

Those who are horizontal are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of dying.It is also feasible to go to this battlefield to fight after reading novels.Like Liu Feng, his ability to fight on the battlefield is almost zero, but if he releases his identity as the crown prince, he will stand at the forefront with the arrow.

Don't risk your noble life, and live and die with the soldiers.Then the combat effectiveness of the soldiers will definitely rise immediately, soaring [-]%.

up to two hundred percent. [

On the battlefield, although the word brave has an effect, it is not great.The big thing is the general's determination.

Zhao Yun gave up his life and wanted to seize the city.This can't be stopped.

Pan Zhang's face was pale and extremely desperate.

"Under such circumstances, the city cannot be defended at all. But if the city cannot be defended, this person must be beheaded. This person is too terrifying." At some point, Huang Gai walked onto the city, He came to Pan Zhang's side and looked at Zhao Yun solemnly.

"Old general." Pan Zhang was overjoyed when he heard this, as if he had found a backbone.But after hearing Huang Gai's words, his heart was cold.

Irreversible, is it really irreparable?

"Kill this person, kill this person. Be sure to kill this person." In despair, Pan Zhang had hope again. Just as Huang Gai said, Zhao Yun is too terrifying, with the ability of a general, Courageous, and loyal to Lu Su, even to the point where he is not afraid of death.

Beheading is only beneficial to Jiang Dong, and has no disadvantages.

"The archers obey the order, aim at Zhao Yun if they can, and shoot Zhao Yun as the first goal."

Pan Zhang uttered a mournful roar.


Pan Zhang's roar, coupled with the sudden appearance of Huang Gai, who hadn't shown up for more than ten days, raised the morale of this Jiangdong soldier. Amid the roar of killing, the archers aimed at Zhao Yun one after another.

"In order to help the Han family, kill."

From among the thousands of troops, Zhao Yun slowly raised his spear, pointed at Linhuai City, and uttered these words from his mouth, when the last word "kill" came out.

Zhao Yun tightened his grip on the horse's belly, and the lightning horse under his crotch rushed towards the city of Linhuai like a lightning bolt.


The soldiers were only stunned for a moment, then reacted, roared and followed frantically, not afraid of death, not afraid of death.A bloodiness that is not afraid of death began to spread crazily.

Such an army is invincible in momentum. If there were more defenders in the city and their morale was higher, they might still be able to withstand it, but it is clear that Linhuai City has no more strength left.


Pan Zhang took the bow and arrow from somewhere, bent the bow and set the arrow himself, and pointed it at Zhao Yun.Seeing Zhao Yun's war horse approaching continuously, Pan Zhang shot an arrow in his hand and shouted loudly.

"Whoosh, whoosh." Countless archers who were ready let go of the bowstrings in their hands, and pointed at Zhao Yun when they saw the rain.

"Hmph." Zhao Yun sneered, and lay on Lightning's body, shouting loudly, "It's up to you to win this battle, go."

As if sensing the master's heart, the speed of this spiritual lightning horse increased by another [-]%.

"Whoosh." As expected of a war horse named Lightning, it rushed over when countless arrows were about to hit Zhao Yun at a speed faster than arrows.

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