I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 858 : Chapter 425 Changing King Banner at the City Head

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Zhao Yun's sword is fast and ruthless. /www>

On the contrary, although Huang Gai and Pan Zhang fought viciously, if Zhao Yun was killed by two people, it would be a bit of a disadvantage, and it would become a little bit of a slap in the face.

They were waiting, waiting for the soldiers behind them to kill Zhao Yun together.

"Bang bang bang." The confrontation between the three made a series of sounds of gold and iron clashing. [

With one against two, Zhao Yun has the absolute upper hand.But at this moment, dozens of soldiers rushed up.They surrounded fiercely and killed Zhao Yun.

"Kill." Zhao Yun's eyes protruded, and a violent roar came from his mouth.Suddenly, an invisible murderous aura spread out.

That fierce general's breath immediately made the soldiers stop.

During this pause, Zhao Yun moved forward with his sword, stepped straight, and slashed.

"Puchi, puchi."

Further, the three were chopped down to the ground.


But Zhao Yun also paid the price. His chest was slashed three times with random knives. Although he was protected by armor, blood was still flowing.

"No matter how brave you are, you're just one person, rush up and watch for death." Pan Zhang was overjoyed and shouted.


Dozens of soldiers, together with Pan Zhang and Huang Gai, attacked Zhao Yun.

Seeing that Changshan Zhao Zilong was about to die under the knife, the reinforcements from the rear rushed up.

"Kill." The soldiers who climbed up the city wall saw their general being blocked and killed, their eyes were bloodshot immediately, they roared wildly, and rushed up desperately.

"Puchi, puchi."

This soldier took the opportunity to block Zhao Yun's sword twice, and fell into a pool of blood. Zhao Yun's eyes were about to burst, and he rushed to kill in anger, beheading several people again.

But Huang Gai and Pan Zhang have only one chance.Immediately afterwards, countless soldiers climbed up, and Zhao Yun saw that he was no longer needed to charge forward, so he took a stab and retreated.


Countless soldiers rushed past Zhao Yun and rushed towards Huang Gai and Pan Zhang.This roar and killing symbolized that Linhuai City was broken by Zhao Yun.

This was a confrontation between his generals. Zhao Yun used his tactics to miss Huang Gai's battle, opening a gap in Linhuai City.In the end, with great bravery and loyalty, he risked his life and captured the city. [

"Back." No matter how unwilling Huang Gai and Pan Zhang were, they knew the situation was over. Gritting their teeth, the two roared and led the remaining soldiers back.

One side's momentum is strong and wants to capture the city, while the other side's momentum is exhausted and retreats by itself.The ending can be imagined, Huang Gai and Pan Zhang left the corpses along the way and rushed out from the south gate.

Out of [-] elite soldiers, more than [-] were dispatched cautiously in the end, most of whom were wounded.

Zhao Yun didn't go to stop him. Since the soldiers swarmed to the top of the wall, Zhao Yun asked a soldier to help him take off his armor.The battle just now was really dangerous.

In the absence of war horses, against Huang Gai, Pan Zhang and dozens of their soldiers, they were hacked three times, blood was soaring, and they almost gave their lives here.

Finally, in the process of retreating, he made another stab.

Zhao Yun was stabbed four times in total, plus two arrows hit his back earlier.Zhao Yun had six wounds all over his body.

Ordinary people are hit by arrows and swords, and their skin will peel off if they don't die. Even Zhao Yun dare not neglect.He took off his armor on the spot, planning to apply medicine first.

During this process, Liu Xun also led a large army and walked in grandly through the wide-open city gate.When he boarded the city wall and looked at the wounds on Zhao Yun's front and back, he was immediately terrified.

"Going to the city first can boost morale, but it's too tragic."

"It's worth it." Zhao Yun said indifferently, his eyes were full of joy, he had finally lived up to His Highness' expectations and captured the city, and then as long as he dealt with Sun Ce, the danger to the east would be resolved by itself.

Soon, Zhao Yun was bandaged up by the doctors who arrived later, and after the bandage was finished, Zhao Yun began to command the soldiers. Except for a little pale face and a little sloppy footsteps, it was normal.

"Come on, hang up the handsome flag."

And the most important thing is to hang up the handsome flag.It indicates that the owner of this city has changed, and it belongs to Liu Feng.

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