I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 874 : Chapter 433 Conspiracy

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Chapter 430 Conspiracy

Lu Su already has a population of more than one million in the four counties of Xinye, Nanxiang, Shangyong, and Xiangyang. If Hanzhong County has a population of 10, wouldn't it be even more powerful?

When Zhou Yu shared his analysis, Kuai Yue and Liu Pan gasped. (⊙﹏⊙⊙﹏⊙) Naturally, they didn't want that kind of thing to happen, but Zhou Yu's analysis was very convincing.

If Lu Su was really given wings, wouldn't they Jingchu become weaker and become a generation to be slaughtered? [

This is what Kuai Yue and Liu Pan never want to see.

Looking at Kuai Yue, Liu Pan's face showed a dignified expression, and Zhou Yu's expression eased.He came to eliminate Lu Su. This purpose was very clear and unchangeable.

Otherwise, since he has studied Lu Su's movements, he will lead his troops here.Of course it wasn't for watching Lu Su'an take Hanzhong with peace of mind.

He has his own plan.Just now I gave Kuai Yue the analysis of what I thought in my heart, and I just wanted to make Kuai Yue dignified and work harder, but it wasn't to dampen Kuai Yue's confidence.

"If Lu Su gets Hanzhong, I believe Mr. Yidu is very clear about what the consequences will be. Therefore, before Lu Su takes Hanzhong, Lu Su's power must be defeated." Zhou Yu's eyes glowed In a flash, said.

"Gongjin's plan will be released?" Kuai Yue didn't have a plan to defeat the enemy in his heart, his eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked quickly.

"Sir, think about what our advantages are now?" Zhou Yu smiled slightly and asked without answering.

"He Zong?" Although Kuai Yue was not familiar with military affairs, he was always a wise man. With a little thought, he guessed what Zhou Yu wanted to say.

"Yes, Hezong. Regardless of Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, his role is to defend Hanzhong before we eliminate Lu Su. Don't let Lu Su annex Hanzhong and return to solve the crisis. The other three parties have to do is Put pressure on Lu Su's Xinye forces and attack violently. Both Cao Ren and Marquis Wu are very reliable in this regard. Although there is no news yet, I believe that they are all attacking violently. Therefore, we only need to do well It is my job to attack Xiangyang. Let's see who breaks through Lu Su's defense first, and then drives straight in, occupying the four counties of Xinye."

Zhou Yu smiled slightly and expressed his overall view.

It's very simple, the same as Cao Ren and Sun Ce thought.

Of course Kuai Yue understood, and his eyes became brighter.Immediately afterwards, he asked, "What is Gongjin's strategy?" He saw that Zhou Yu seemed to have a plan in mind, and seemed to have a strategy to defeat the enemy.

"Divide the troops." Zhou Yu spit out two words from his mouth.

"Divide the troops?" Kuai Yue frowned.

"Yes, divide the troops. We have a large number of troops now. It would be a pity if we did not divide the troops. Attacking Xiangyang can start directly from the waterway and go straight to Xiangyang. This aspect can be entrusted to me, and Mr. Yidu can select elite soldiers and delay Live in Huang Zhong. As long as I can invade Xiangyang, Huang Zhong's army will become lonely ghosts and will be defeated. Once Huang Zhong is defeated, Lu Su will be wiped out." Zhou Yu nodded with a smile and said.

When Kuai Yue and Liu Pan heard Zhou Yu say that they should independently resist Huang Zhong, they felt a little uneasy.Not long ago, they didn't have the confidence to resist Huang Zhong, so they pinned their hopes on the Jiangdong people.

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