I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 881 : Chapter 436 It's Like Entering No Man's Land

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This is not Huang Zhong's pretentiousness, but the fact. (⊙﹏⊙⊙﹏⊙) This time the four-way battle, Huang Zhong still doesn't know what's going on in other aspects.

But he is famous here.Three thousand elite soldiers swept across Jingchu, suppressing Liu's one hundred thousand soldiers, it was like entering an uninhabited land.

Huang Zhong's own statement can be imagined.If one's own side is too strong, it will cause the enemy to retreat.

Huang Zhong can conclude that if he dispatches more than a thousand elite soldiers, the opponent will definitely choose to stick to it.It would be a different matter if he dispatched five hundred elite soldiers. [

Hearing Huang Zhong's analysis, the generals were also stunned. This reputation is a good thing. Another explanation for reputation is military exploits. Only the greater the military exploits, the greater the reputation will be.Conversely, the greater the reputation, the stronger the military exploits.

This can be promoted.

But I didn't expect that there would be such a disadvantage. The statement is too strong, which makes the child tremble with fear.

"Promise." After thinking about it, the generals didn't have a good solution, so they promised, and went down to prepare five hundred elite soldiers.

This time Huang Zhong went south with 3000 elite soldiers, hundreds of them were lost on the way, and there were nearly [-] left, all of whom were the best of the best.

This time Huang Zhong went to battle in person, so he should not be neglected, and the five hundred elite soldiers he selected were the essence of it.

Soon after, the drawbridge was lowered and the city gates were opened.

Huang Zhong was dressed in armor, with a top-quality horse in his lap, a sharp long knife in his hand, a bow and two pots of arrows behind his horse, and he came out first, really majestic.

Behind him were [-] elite soldiers, all of them full of energy and sharp eyes. They knew that their [-] elite soldiers were about to face [-] soldiers, but they didn't panic at all.

"Will you dare to fight this old man to the death?"

Huang Zhong led the crowd a hundred steps away, and shouted at Liu Pan's vanguard army not far away.


Huang Zhong's voice was not only strong, but also extremely penetrating. This shout was naturally heard by Liu Pan's vanguard.A general raised his head and looked at Huang Zhong.

This man is the leader of this vanguard army, named Xia Jian.Standing next to him was a lieutenant named Yuan Xing.

The two are Liu Pan's direct lineage generals, they are quite famous near Changsha, and they also know Huang Zhong.Therefore, Liu Pan sent two people to attack Dangyang as a vanguard army, and expanded the number of vanguard troops to 1. Don't be provoked by Huang Zhong.

The two of them were somewhat disapproving of Liu Pan's caution. When did they hear that the vanguard army actually had 1 people.That is the scale of hundreds of thousands of troops going out.

And now they only have [-] soldiers.

In addition, Huang Zhong was also a general under Liu Pan's account at the beginning, and he was quite skilled with the two of them.When Huang Zhong was under Liu Pan's tent, although his ability was not bad, there was nothing surprising about it.

Naturally, the two were dissatisfied in their hearts, and they set up camp honestly only because of Liu Pan's order. [

But now...>

"This Huang Zhong is really arrogant. He thinks he is the rebirth of the overlord of Western Chu. How dare hundreds of soldiers challenge us?" Xia Jian couldn't help being furious when he saw Huang Zhong had hundreds of soldiers.

"Hmph, the general told us to be careful when we came. I don't think there's any need for it. Even Huang Zhong is a famous general? I think it's only because Huang Zhong didn't meet a strong general that he won successive battles and stole his name. This time with us two brothers, he will definitely be ruined."

Yuan Xing was also very angry and laughed instead.

Immediately, the two looked at each other, and immediately gathered five thousand troops to fight.

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