I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 890 : Chapter 441 Zhou Yu's wishful thinking failed

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Chapter 440 Zhou Yu's wishful thinking failed

"Lu Feng" also understood Zhou Yu's thoughts. \%>_<%_original_creation%>_<%\

"Shut up." Therefore, before Zhou Yu finished speaking, "Lu Feng" yelled loudly, pretending to scold the soldiers under the tent.Immediately, "Lu Feng" pleaded guilty to Meng Jian: "The soldiers are rude, please forgive me."

After a pause, "Lu Feng" said again: "It's an extraordinary period, and I understand your lord's responsibilities. Please ask questions." [

"Okay." Zhou Yu's voice made Meng Jianben a little displeased, but seeing that "Lu Feng" was very decent, he nodded and said.

"Please Lu Dubo tell me about the nine fellow Dubos." Immediately afterwards, Meng Jian asked.

"Promise." "Lu Feng" immediately agreed when he heard the words, and immediately revealed the names of the nine people.At this moment, not only Zhou Yu realized that Meng Jian was at the end of his skills, but even this Du Bo was the same.

And secretly praised his general in his heart as a real wise man. This time, the deceitful plan was not a temporary idea, but premeditated, and he had already predicted what happened.

Not to mention that Lu Su only needs the names of nine dubs, even if he remembers all the names of dubs.

Meng Jian listened patiently, then turned around and asked the little official, "How is it?"

"Not bad at all." The clerk silently checked and replied.

"En." Meng Jian was relieved when he heard the words. It seemed that most of the people under the city were right.Just now, after a series of cross-examinations, he did everything he could.

But immediately Meng Jian's heart was full of heaviness.

Huang Zhong really failed?The three thousand elite soldiers turned into dust and smoke, and he was the first to bear the brunt of Xiangyang City, and he didn't know if he could hold the brunt.

"I wonder who defeated Han Sheng?" Meng Jian asked.

"It's Zhou Yu. He led [-] elite troops to fight the general. The general was defeated and the army was defeated." "Lu Feng" replied calmly.

Zhou Yu?

The shock in Meng Jian's heart was not because of Zhou Yu's reputation. Of course, Meng Jian knew who Zhou Yu was.He is a figure who studied with Sima Hui and others, not a literati in the general sense, and he keeps his ears shut.

He is very concerned about world affairs, discussing the world situation with his friends, and criticizing the world's generals and advisers.Meng Jian naturally knows how powerful Zhou Yu is and what his status is in Jiangdong.

However, it was Liu Feng who made Meng Jian have a deep understanding of Zhou Yu.

Meng Jianben gradually forgot about this matter, but when "Lu Feng" mentioned Zhou Yu, Meng Jian gradually remembered it.He trembled and shouted in his heart, almost capsized in the gutter.

Jiangdong Zhang Zhao respected Sun Ce's strategic layout and set up a plan to unite Cao Cao, Liu Cong, Zhang Lu, and Jiangdong himself, intending to unite the forces of the four parties and force Liu Feng to a dead end by imprisoning the salt road.

For this reason, Liu Feng is of course cautious, and Lu Su and Tian Feng under the tent also racked their brains to formulate this active attack to survive from death, a war against the princes of the four directions. [

One against four, isn't this survival from death?Naturally, Liu Feng attached unprecedented importance to this war.

Mainly attacking Hanzhong, Liu Feng personally served as commander, and mobilized twelve thousand elite soldiers.Attacking Dongfang Linhuai and restraining Sun Ce's forces used Zhao Yun and Liu Xun.

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