I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 892 : Chapter 442 Exposure

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Chapter [-] Exposure

"What?" Zhou Yu almost lost his voice, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.just read the novel

Just now, Meng Jian has completed his method step by step, from the sudden attack to the final proofreading.Every trick of Meng Jian was resolved by "Lu Feng".

The next step should be to open the city gate to welcome them into the city. [

At that time, Zhou Yu will lead hundreds of soldiers to fight at the gate of the city, waiting for the army from the rear to arrive.Break through Xiangyang in one fell swoop.

Originally, this was what Zhou Yu planned in his mind.When Meng Jian asked the name of Lu Feng's comrade Dubo, Zhou Yu had already seen Xiangyang waving to him.

That's the benefit of being well prepared.Unlike ordinary people, when using this technique of defrauding the city, if you ask three questions and don't know, you will definitely fail.

Success was in sight, but the result turned out to be so.

The huge gap almost made people like Zhou Yu unbearable.

Zhou Yu's chest heaved violently, and he let out heavy gasps.His eyes were wide open, flashing with unbelievable, unbelievable eyes.

Hit, it's definitely a hit.Especially for Zhou Yu, for Zhou Yu who had the chance to win, this was a major blow.

Zhou Yu, who has a city in his heart and has experienced many ups and downs, couldn't help losing his composure, and almost opened his mouth to yell "what".

Let alone other people.

The soldiers were in an uproar and were very nervous.

This is especially true for Lu Feng, he is a highly valued official under Zhou Yu's account, and it is also his luck to get this job this time.

That's right, the strategy of cheating the city is very risky for the person who executes it, and it may be life-threatening.But with risk comes great opportunity.

If you earn the city, that is the first credit.It is second only to Zhou Yu, and has made great achievements.Afterwards, rewards for meritorious deeds will not only give you wealth at your fingertips, but your official position will definitely increase as well.

Moreover, with his wit and calmness, he dealt with Meng Jian's method step by step, and he was about to succeed.

The result turned out to be like this.

Although "Lu Feng" is considered outstanding, his city mansion and experience are not as good as Zhou Yu's.At this moment, "Lu Feng" lost his composure and went crazy.

"I was fighting for General Lu at the front. I bled profusely. Now that I am defeated, my lord turns his face and denies me. What's the reason?" Lu Feng shouted.

"Oops." Lu Feng yelled, causing Zhou Yu's complexion to change drastically.

This idiot is in vain for my trust.Meng Jian's attitude was very obvious, and he clearly didn't trust them. [

But even if there is no trust, it is impossible to use force.Because it's dark at night, I can't see clearly, and I don't have a thorough conclusion.Distrust is just speculation, and it is impossible to use force because of distrust.

At this time, if you can't advance, you can retreat calmly.You should take advantage of the opportunity to thank you, and then leave with the food and wine.

Retreat to the rear to join forces with the large forces, and attack Xiangyang overnight.Zhou Yu also considered the situation after the failure of deceitful attack.

The overall plan is extremely thoughtful.

But Meng Jian actually refused, and Lu Feng lost his composure.

This remark seemed to be forcing the palace, forcing Meng Jian to let them into the city under pressure.But in fact, it further expands that they are fakes.

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