I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 894 : Chapter 443 Big Oolong

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Chapter 440 Three Big Oolong

"Hahahaha, it's the stupid thief who wants to scam the city. (⊙﹏⊙⊙﹏⊙) didn't know that cleverness was mistaken by cleverness, let us shoot and kill hundreds of people for nothing."

"It's not because you're smart but you're smart, it's because you made a wrong move, and the sheriff is even wiser, seeing through this man's trick."

"Hahaha, well said, the governor is mighty, the governor is mighty." [

After defeating the enemy army, the city was full of cheers, the laughter of the soldiers everywhere, and the voices praising the wisdom of the county guard Meng Jian.

Hearing these praises, Meng Jian blushed and felt shy in his heart.

The compliments from the soldiers were very sincere, but Meng Jian knew his own affairs. He tried his best and failed to detect the previous enemy army. He almost planned to let this army enter the city, causing a catastrophe.

It was only because of a letter from Crown Prince Liu Feng that he calmed down, judged carefully, and recognized that it was possible, which prevented the tragedy from happening.

It is the Crown Prince who should be praised, not him.Such praise from the soldiers was tantamount to irony in Meng Jian's ears.

However, Meng Jian also knew that the soldiers were not really mocking him, but were grateful from the bottom of their hearts for avoiding a sexual encounter.Because if the enemy army enters the city smoothly, it will definitely bring about a fight.And they were caught off guard, and it is very likely that more than half of them will be killed or injured, and the rest will become prisoners.

That situation is too bad.

All the soldiers were especially grateful to Meng Jian, thinking that Meng Jian had saved their lives.

Meng Jian's face was getting redder and redder. He wanted to stop it, but on second thought, the soldiers are now happy and their morale is high. High morale can bring victory.

There is really no need to explain these things, as long as he is not blindly arrogant and takes the credit for himself.

Just remember that this is a suggestion from the crown prince.And it is estimated that the crown prince would not care about such a little reputation.

Thinking about it this way, the redness on Meng Jian's face gradually faded and he returned to normal.

"Your Excellency is really wise." At this time, the little official who was in charge of proofreading the roster came closer and complimented.Immediately afterwards, the little official asked curiously: "The enemy army is so cunning, and I don't know who is leading the army. How did your lord find the flaw?"

"This army is estimated to be Jiangdong Zhou Yu's main army. As for how to find the flaw." Meng Jian smiled wryly when he heard this, and did not continue.

"Forget it, anyway, seeing through Zhou Yu's strategy is really a gratifying victory, and this matter will come to an end." Immediately afterwards, Meng Jian waved his hand and said.

After finishing speaking, Meng Jian restrained the other expressions on his face and said seriously: "Send the order and strengthen your guard. Don't take it lightly because of this small victory. The opponent is an extremely cunning person."

"Promise." The little official also solemnly promised with a solemn expression when he heard the words.

Immediately afterwards, the little official went down to deliver the order.Meng Jian appeased the soldiers and restored tranquility in the city.The soldiers began to patrol in an orderly manner according to their duties.

"It's good to have defeated Zhou Yu, but what makes me even more happy is that Huang Hansheng has news." After appeasing the soldiers, Meng Jian took a deep breath, looked up to the south, and his eyes were full of joy. [

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