I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 902 : Chapter 447 Death is imminent without knowing it

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Chapter 440 Seventh

Zhang Zhao wants to destroy Lu Su with his alliance, but Liu Feng wants to smash the Quartet with his combination. ()

In this battle, the main attack is Hanzhong. On the one hand, Hanzhong has a sufficient population and is very close to the four counties of Xinye. According to the expansion theory of annexing the weak first, and strengthening itself.

Attacking Hanzhong is the best policy. [

In addition, Zhang Zhao and Zhang Zong wanted to make the four counties of Xinye free of salt and destroy the four counties of Xinye without a fight.The main attack on Hanzhong can open up Yizhou and obtain the well salt produced in Yizhou to solve the problem of table salt.

Therefore, Liu Feng personally led Wenpin and Wang Wei, two generals, with [-] elite soldiers, and attacked Hanzhong westward.Three days later, we arrived at Shangyong County.

Shangyong County is said to be a county, but there are only nine counties under its jurisdiction, and the population is only more than [-].

When Liu Feng arrived with his troops, Shi Tao, the prefect of Shangyong, and Pang Tong, the prince's guard, went out of the city with civil and military personnel to meet them.

Liu Feng rode his horse and stood, with the general Wenpin on the left, the good general Wang Wei on the right, and [-] elite soldiers behind him, slowly marching towards the city gate.

"See you son."

In front of the city gate, Shi Tao and Pang Tong stood side by side, leading civil and martial arts to salute Liu Feng in front.

While saluting, many civil and military men raised their heads and looked at Liu Feng secretly. Now Liu Feng is not considered to be behind the scenes. As Lu Su's nephew, he jumped to the foreground. Luo is alive.

Many civil and military people in Shangyong City have heard of Liu Feng's reputation, but unfortunately have not seen it. This time, of course, they must meet this hero who is comparable to Gan Luo.

He didn't blame these eyes that secretly looked at him.

"Everyone is welcome," Liu Feng, Wen Pin, and Wang Wei got off their horses together and raised their hands.

"Thank you sir."

Pang Tong and Shi Tao led the crowd to pay their respects.

It is a courtesy to lead the crowd to meet Liu Feng, but Pang Tong and Shi Tao did not forget that the war is more important at present.After spending a little time to meet the ceremony, the two greeted Liu Feng, Wen Pin, Wang Wei and others into the city, and went straight to the prefect's mansion.

In the hall of the prefect's mansion, Shi Tao welcomed Liu Feng to his seat, and the rest of the civil and military personnel sat down on both sides.

"What's the situation in Hanzhong now?" Liu Feng asked as soon as he sat down.The importance of Hanzhong is tantamount to the lifeline, no wonder Liu Feng is so urgent.

"His Royal Highness, because Mr. Yi Ji was dispatched to subdue him in advance, Zhang Lu in Hanzhong gradually became arrogant, and his defense was mediocre. If he marched westward, he could take most of Hanzhong."

Shi Tao replied immediately.

That quick response meant that Shi Tao had done a good job on Shangyong's side, and he didn't slack off.Liu Feng nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief. [

Zhang Lu in Hanzhong didn't have much defense, otherwise it would be bad if he was heavily guarded.Zhang Lu's army, which combines politics and religion, is more difficult to deal with.

"It's really God helping me." Liu Feng said with a smile.


Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

"By the way, how is Shi Yuan's army gathering?" After laughing, Liu Feng turned his head and asked Pang Tong.

When Pang Tong defected to him, Liu Feng asked Pang Tong whether he should be a civil servant or a martial artist. Pang Tong chose martial arts, and Liu Feng sent him to Shangyong to recruit troops.

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