I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 906 : Chapter 449 Zhang Lu's face is green

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Chapter 440 IX Zhang Lu's Face Turned Green

Zhang Lu came to Yiji, just wanting to test Yiji. After so long, Lu Su did not bring back any news. Is there any trick in this. (www>

Seeing Yi Ji's appearance now, the doubts in his heart were naturally dispelled.

Zhang Lu took a deep breath, talked with Yi Ji for a while, and then sent Yi Ji away. [

After Yiji left, Zhang Wei couldn't hide his disdain anymore, and said, "Looking at Yiji's level, Lu Su is definitely not a good guy either. Brother, we should rest easy."

"En." Zhang Lu nodded in agreement when he heard the words, and then, Zhang Lu turned his head and asked Yan Pu, "What about you, sir? What do you think?"

"Maybe I'm worrying too much." Yan Pu said after pondering for a moment.

Zhang Lu was completely relieved when he heard the words, Yan Pu, a wise man, said that he was too worried, so why should he have any doubts?

"Then continue to wait for the news from Lu Su. Anyway, our four parties jointly blocked the salt road, so Lu Su will despair sooner or later. At that time, Lu Su will still obediently send him to Shangyong. It is only a matter of time." Zhang Lu smiled. said.

"Exactly." Yan Pu nodded and said.After a pause, Yan Pu said again: "However, I was quite rude to that Yiji just now, so please reward me, Lord."

"This is natural." Zhang Lu nodded and said.

Immediately, Zhang Lu rewarded Yiji with a lot of things, and sent people to Yiji's residence.

Yiji's residence, in the lobby.

Yi Ji sat in the upper seat, looking ahead indifferently.In front of him, there are many precious things such as gold, silver, jade, cloth and so on.

"My lord, why did Zhang Lu bestow so many things?" the follower asked Yiji.

"Zhang Lu suspected that I was deliberately delaying the time, and let me pass in a vague way." Yiji Jian said in shock.

"Should we go?" The follower gasped.

"According to the days, it's time to mobilize troops, and Zhang Lu's defense has become lax. My mission has indeed been completed, and it's time to retire." After hearing the words, Yi Ji estimated the time in his heart, He nodded and said.

The entourage breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, the days of staying in the enemy's territory were as sad as they could be.

However, the hearts of his entourage immediately filled with incomparable joy, and he said in a low voice, "If Zhang Lu gets the news of your lord's departure, he must be in a panic. When the general leads his troops to kill him, he will regret it even more."

"Hehe." Yi Ji also showed a little smile on his face when he heard the words. Yi Ji remembered Zhang Wei's arrogant attitude very clearly. was destroyed, and very likely to be full.Yiji's heart was filled with joy.

Who told Zhang Wei to be so arrogant.

"The night is long and the dream is full. We will leave tomorrow morning." Not long after, Yiji took a deep breath and said. [

"No." The follower promised.

Early the next morning, Yi Ji sneaked out of the city with a few entourages, avoiding Zhang Lu's eyes and ears.

Not long after, a group of fast horses entered the city from the east and went straight to the prefect's mansion.

Taishoufu, in the study.Zhang Lu was having tea when suddenly a guard came in with a flustered expression.

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