I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 908 : Chapter 450 Zhang Wei's Arrogance

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Chapter 450 Zhang Wei's Arrogance

Liu Feng took advantage of Zhang Lu's mentality of wanting to win Shangyong but didn't want to make any effort. After showing weakness, he gained Zhang Lu's slack in defense. (www>

This is of course a beautiful ruse.

But for Zhang Lu, it was tantamount to playing tricks, they were played like monkeys.For Zhang Lu, this was a big blow. [

It's like a blind and arrogant king, thinking that he is in control of everything, and his dominance is so powerful.But suddenly found that the country you ruled is as fragile as a paper tiger.

That feeling is really too bad.

Zhang Lu's mood was extremely bad. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Yan Pu, a wise man who was valued by Zhang Lu and counted in Hanzhong and even the whole world, once again played a role.

"My lord, don't be discouraged. Even if we fall for the trick, Hanzhong may lose half of the city and pass. But the lord, don't underestimate yourself, because the lord still has [-] elite soldiers, and Lu Su has only [-] elite soldiers at best. This time The army that attacked Hanzhong was even more pitiful. We can use our strength to teach Lu Su a lesson, and let him know that all plots are ridiculous in the face of strength."

Yan Pu said to Zhang Lu firmly.

Before this incident happened, Yan Pu was the first person to suspect that Lu Su had ulterior motives.Whether it is wisdom or knowledge, they are all superb.

When he found out that things were indeed as he thought, Lu Su finally designed such a conspiracy against Hanzhong, and they were in a disadvantageous situation.

Yan Pu fulfilled the duties of a counselor excellently. He used his own advantages to encourage Zhang Lu to go to war.

It is rumored outside that Zhang Lu sits in Hanzhong and is as stable as Mount Tai, and most of the credit goes to Yan Pu, which is absolutely true.

"Yes, what Mr. Yan said is absolutely correct. What is Lu Su? Sun Wu is born again. This time, we must show Lu Su that our Hanzhong is strong and unstoppable. Defeat Wenpin, Wang Wei, and occupy Shangyong. Let Lu Su realize that sending a nephew under ten years old to fight , was the biggest mistake in his life. He regretted it even more, because he could have ceded Shangyong and asked for our reconciliation under peaceful circumstances. But now he has ruined our reconciliation in a short-sighted way. He is destined to If you fail, you will regret it the moment before you die."

Hearing Yan Pu's words, Zhang Wei's eyes lit up, and he said aggressively.

Regarding the current situation in Hanzhong, Zhang Wei knew it was not good, but he didn't want to think about it.There are two things he can't understand. One is that there are [-] elite soldiers in Hanzhong, so why should that boy Lu Su attack first.

The second point is that Lu Su actually sent his nephew Lu Feng to be the commander-in-chief, which is too childish.

Are they forces?The power of Hanzhong, a powerful prince who suppressed Liu Zhang in Yizhou with the power of a county.And what is Lu Su?Ridiculous clown, a clown who makes enemies everywhere with a little strength.

They are naturally high above them, and they look down on Lu Su even with Lu Su's eyes.

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