I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 916 : Chapter 454 The Yellow Clothes Army

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Chapter 450

Soon after, three thousand elite soldiers gathered. o(∩_∩)o~~ Baidu search www>

But at the moment, Wenpin is much more violent.

Wenpin general is slightly outstanding, and his strength is also extraordinary. He is a very comprehensive general. [

Ahead, the gate of the camp had already been opened.Without any hesitation, Wenpin raised the long knife in his hand and shouted: "Kill." With a roar of kill, Wenpin rushed out before it fell.


Three thousand elite soldiers roared in unison, and rushed out following Wenpin.

"Hahaha, as expected of a child under ten years old, he became angry with embarrassment when I was just a front-runner. It seems that he should go home and nurse."

Zhang Wei didn't know that he had angered Liu Feng, Wen Pin, and Wang Wei, and laughed wildly.

"Hehe." Yan Pu stroked his beard, also very happy.

"Yang Ren, you lead [-] troops into battle, and you want to win a big victory in order to show off our Hanzhong military prestige." After laughing, Zhang Wei ordered to a general next to him.

"The general's head must be taken." Yang Ren raised his fist confidently.Immediately, he picked up his spear, divided five thousand elite soldiers, and went to fight Wenpin.

"General, this is different from the plan." Yan Pu frowned slightly and said.

"It's okay." Zhang Wei smiled indifferently and said.Immediately afterwards, seeing Yan Pu frowned again, he couldn't help explaining: "Although the lion fights the rabbit, we must do our best. But this time we are the elephant fighting the rabbit, so it's okay."

Originally, Zhang Wei planned to let the ace, the yellow-clothed army, come out of the battle, to make a head start and increase his momentum.However, seeing that Lu Feng was so excited, he changed his mind.

Now Zhang Wei has realized the essence of the saying "how to kill a chicken with a butcher's knife".When encountering Wenpin, Zhang Ren is enough.

"Let's try it out first." Yan Pu's frown was slightly smoothed when he heard the words, Zhang Wei was right, the other party seemed to be very weak.

While the two were talking, the armies of both sides began to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

"Take the paper to hire the leader." Yang Ren roared with arrogance.

Yang Rennai is a fierce general in Hanzhong, a famous general, with great prestige in Hanzhong.He also despised Wenpin very much. Although Wenpin had a great reputation, he was suppressed by a child who was under ten years old. What kind of person could he be?

Today, I will kill this beast, and Yang Wei will rule the world.

Yang Ren's heart was full of excitement.

"Kill." Sensing Yang Ren's excitement, the five thousand elite soldiers also shouted in unison in response, equally excited and excited. [

"Hmph." Wen Pin is a veteran in the battlefield, feeling the disdain coming to his face, how can he not know that he is being looked down upon, snorted coldly, and raised the long knife in his hand.

At this time, only by defeating the opponent can the opponent shut up.


Under the leadership of their respective commanders, the soldiers of both sides quickly approached.At the moment when the soldiers were about to meet, both sides roared and killed in unison.

In terms of momentum, they are evenly matched.

But during the confrontation, the gap was immediately revealed.


In an instant, the soldiers under Wenpin's tent showed their fangs, were brave, courageous, and then killed.

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