I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 919 : Chapter 455 Trouble

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Fierce, an unprecedented ferocious aura exudes. [The source of this book www>

"Kill the enemy for Tianjun, kill."

Immediately afterwards, the general leading the army roared and rushed towards Wenpin.

Not to mention anything else, this aura can also bluff people.Especially the slogan, Taoism is very popular in this era, and the Yellow Turban Uprising was related to Taoism. [

That urgent voice represented a kind of heavenly power.Wenpin's hard-working army is also composed of people.Although brave and good at fighting, he has not reached the realm of being invincible.

For Tianwei, for the unknown, I still have some fear.

After feeling the changes in the soldiers, Wen Pin frowned, but there was no way to change it.This has risen to a high level, not a simple fight.


The Yellow Army soon approached, and they charged.

Although a little afraid, Wenpin soldiers would not be hacked to death standing up.They quickly launched a counterattack, "Kill." With a roar of killing, the soldiers raised their blades and slashed at the soldiers in yellow in front of them just like when they faced Yang Ren's army just now.

But the result was a surprise.

The blade slashed at the opponent's body, but it had no effect.

Zhang Ye is a Dubo in the Wenpin Army. He has been in the army for many years and is brave and good at fighting.He's been through many wars, but never like this one.

The knife slashed on the opponent's chest, but there was no reaction at all.Zhang Ye's eyes were almost protruding, and he felt unprecedented fear in his heart.

The other party showed a cruel smile, with snow-white teeth gleaming under the sun. "Heavenly Lord, I won't die waiting." Immediately afterwards, the other party roared wildly and rushed up.

"Ah." Zhang Ye suddenly uttered a scream, terrified.But at the critical moment, Zhang Ye was saved by his rich fighting experience. He kicked the yellow-clothed army in front of him with a kick.

"Touch." The soldier in yellow fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.But Zhang Ye couldn't rush up because he felt his legs were shaking. What kind of army is this?

Countless soldiers encountered this situation, some with poor experience were cut down to the ground, and some, like Zhang Ye, kicked the opponent out, but did not dare to pursue them.

"Behead, behead their heads." At the critical moment, Wen Pin let out a loud roar.

And in front of him, there were several corpses lying down.Wenpin didn't encounter any obstacles. He habitually beheaded when he was in hand-to-hand combat, and all of them were killed in the end.

But Wenpin also saw what happened to the nearby soldiers, and he was taken aback, and immediately yelled.

But the fear has already been cultivated. Although Wenpin is a general, he is able to lead the army well.But the soldiers still couldn't resist the fear of the unknown.

No one dared to fight. [

"Withdraw." Wenpin yelled a few times, but found that it had no effect. Instead, many soldiers died on the spot.Although his eyes were tearing apart, he was extremely rational. He let out a roar and retreated.

"Withdraw." The soldiers, who were terrified, suddenly withdrew as if they had been pardoned.

"Pursuit." The general of the Yellow Army laughed loudly, and launched a pursuit.

"Hahahaha." Zhang Wei let out a hearty laugh, "Even if your literary reputation is world-renowned, you will still lose to our yellow-clothed army."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Wei couldn't wait to issue a declaration of victory.

"Shangyong belongs to elder brother." Zhang Wei took a deep breath, spread his arms, and shouted.

Next to him, Yan Pu smiled, with long sleeves fluttering, calm and composed, with the demeanor of a military adviser.

"It's really weird."

On the steps, Liu Feng frowned.

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