I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 923 : Chapter 457 Phoenix Chick

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So he settled for the next best thing and transformed Pang Tong into what he is now. (web www>

Soon, Liu Feng and his party came to the rear of the soldiers.At this moment, [-] elite soldiers are all facing west, preparing for the battle.

When Liu Feng and others came from behind, only a few soldiers turned their heads to look.

"The whole army listens to the order and faces the rear." Liu Feng took a deep breath and shouted. [

The childish and sharp voice immediately covered the audience.

The soldiers ordered and prohibited them, and immediately turned around and looked at Liu Feng, their movements were neat and consistent.

"As we all know, Zhang Lu's lineage in Hanzhong has practiced witchcraft since his grandfather's generation. After reaching Zhang Lu's generation, his magic power has increased greatly. It is rumored that Zhang Lu can still keep his face. Therefore, although Zhang Lu is old, he has a serious face. Guanyu is like a young man. In addition, Zhang Lu in Hanzhong can train the invulnerable yellow-clothed army. This is a sorcery, and I believe Qiancai's soldiers who followed General Wen to conquer Zhang Wei have personally learned it."

Seeing that all the soldiers turned around, Liu Feng took a deep breath and said.

Liu Feng's words caused an uproar among the soldiers.Although they did think that Zhang Lu's army was invulnerable and rushed to fear, they were not so sure.

The soldiers have little knowledge and intelligence, so they dare not speak.

But now that Liu Feng said it himself, it proved that the outside was an invincible army trained by sorcery.This suddenly made the fear of the soldiers ten times deeper.

Although the fear was abnormal, the soldiers did not dare to make noise in front of Liu Feng and others.Just trembling body, pale.

You must know that these are the elite soldiers under Wenpin's account, but now they are so scared, it can be seen that the so-called sorcery and superstition are already very popular in this era.

It should be said that Liu Feng did it for the sake of removing these superstitions and calming down the soldiers.These words must have backfired.But now Liu Feng wants the soldiers to completely believe in the existence of witchcraft, so these words are very beneficial.

Seeing the reaction of the soldiers, Liu Feng smiled with satisfaction.Taking a deep breath again, Liu Feng said: "But I'm here to tell you that witchcraft is not terrible. In this world, there is yin and there is yang, where there is righteousness there is evil, where there is offense there is defense, and there is always an opposite side." .”

As he said that, Liu Feng sneered and said, "Where there is sorcery, there is also immortality. Zhang Lu is a demon, but I have immortals."

"Feng Chizi hasn't come out yet."

Finally, Liu Feng shouted again.

Hearing this, Pang Tong smiled slightly, got off his horse, and then bowed to Liu Feng, saying: "I have met you, young master." This courtesy was coupled with a strange attire.Pang Tong suddenly became mysterious.

"This is the phoenix chick of Jingchu. He studied under Mr. Shui Jing, Sima Hui, and Mr. Sima Hui was inherited from the ancient and powerful Guiguzi. He can communicate with the gods and communicate with everything in the world, so it's not a matter of small magic arts." Exit. How can Feng Chuzi break Zhang Lu's sorcery?" Finally, Liu Feng asked Pang Tong.

"It turned out to be Mr. Shui Jing's account under Sima Hui."

"I heard that Mr. Sima is good at matching people. You can judge his future and future by looking at his appearance. It is very amazing. It turns out that he is from Guiguzi's lineage."

"I've heard of Guiguzi too, it's very powerful."

"In that case, this gentleman named Feng Chizi is also very powerful? Can he master immortal skills?"

The soldiers couldn't help but exclaim.

Most of the soldiers in this army came from Jingzhou, and Sima Hui had a high prestige in Jingzhou. Even ordinary people knew that Liu Feng used Sima Hui as a shield, and it was very useful.

Liu Feng said a lot earlier, making the soldiers completely believe in the existence of witchcraft, but now he said that there is a fairy technique that can defeat the enemy.

The judgment ability of the soldiers is low, they can't even distinguish the inner armor from the sorcery.At this time, he recognized the existence of witchcraft, and saw that he had fairy magic.

Most of this fear dissipated immediately.

Fairy?Sounds more powerful than witchcraft.

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