I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 934 : Chapter 463 People Cut the City

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"Is there any reason to meet the enemy army?"

"Could it be that we are regarded as Zhang Wei's messengers?"

The soldiers were all surprised. [The source of this book www>

After looking at it for a while, a smile appeared on the corner of Shi Chang's mouth, and said: "I'm afraid it's not only that, it's regarded as a soldier delivering good news." [

"Hahaha, are Zhang Lu's tents full of idiots? Our General Lu is invincible and invincible. General Wenpin is brave and good at fighting. How can Zhang Wei defeat General Wenpin."

"Exactly, how can a wild duck defeat a lion. Zhang Wei's wish to defeat General Wenpin is simply delusional."

"Fun, interesting."

The soldiers laughed loudly, proudly.

A force, the army is the foundation.For a power in the rising stage, the army must be extremely powerful.Such as Cao Cao.If the army of a powerful force has not practiced for a long time, like Liu Biao, it is basically a paper tiger with a strong outside and a strong foundation.

Liu Feng's power was not established enough and has many shortcomings.Some shortcomings have just been made up for by the joining of Sima Hui and others.

But that's just the general direction, and there are still many small shortcomings that cannot be seen.But the army has absolutely no shortcomings. Lu Su, Wen Pin, Zhao Yun, Wang Wei, and Huang Zhong each lead a battalion of soldiers and horses.

Since the messengers of this team had the courage to accept Zhang Wei and Yan Pu's head to Chenggu, they were even more daring and the elite of the army.

Knowing that the city ahead is solid and has more than 2 troops, they can drown them with a single spit, but they still don't change their true colors.

"It's better this way, you can use less words. Let's go." After laughing, Shi Chang put away his smile and ordered.

"No." The soldiers suddenly agreed.

A group of people rode their horses and galloped towards the gate of the city.

"Woo." After approaching the city gate, the soldiers reined in their horses one after another, and Shi Chang rushed to the front of Guangfei.Looking down at Guangfei.

A pawn actually looked down upon him.

Guangfei felt that his lungs were about to explode, and the joy that was full of him just now turned into nothing.However, Guangfei quickly calmed down.These few may be the personal soldiers that Zhang Wei needs to use, and they should be a little arrogant.

However, Guangfei also had some doubts in his heart.

It's not that he hasn't seen the soldiers around Zhang Wei, he is arrogant.But it seems that there is no such fierce breath.Yes, this group of soldiers gave him the feeling that they were extremely fierce.

Not only was he powerful, but he also seemed to exude a bloody smell faintly from top to bottom.Shocked in his heart, Guangfei didn't dare to attack.With a forced laugh, Guangfei raised his fist and said, "Several sergeants have been ordered to bring good news?"

"Hahaha." Shi Chang and his party were silent for a moment, and then let out a wild laugh. [

There are actually such funny things in the world.

Infinite anger suddenly rose in the hearts of Guangfei and his group, who gave you face but didn't want it, it's really arrogant.Anger rose wildly in his heart, but in the end Guangfei didn't break out, dare to speak out.

The wild laughter continued for a while, and Shi Chang and his party finally stopped laughing.After laughing, Shi Chang gestured to the soldiers behind him.

The soldiers had a tacit understanding, and they all nodded without a trace.

After this small movement, Shi Chang said to Guang Fei: "It's a good news, but for you, I'm afraid it's a bad news. Hold your head."

As he said that, Shi Chang reached out and took Yan Pu, Zhang Wei's head, and threw it to Guang Fei.

"Ah?" Guang Fei's attention was focused on Shi Chang's body just now, and he didn't see the two heads behind the horse, but subconsciously reached out to take them.

With the head in his hand, he let out a scream.

"General Zhang, Mr. Yan."

Guangfei immediately knew what the so-called bad news was, it was Zhang Wei and Yan Pu.In Hanzhong County, people who are under one person and over ten thousand people, the two big men who led an army of [-] in high spirits not long ago, turned out to be dead.

"You guys." Immediately afterwards, Guang Fei glared at Shi Chang and his party.The generals and soldiers beside him and behind them also stared wide-eyed, holding their sword hilts.

The fight is imminent.

"As a result, you have also seen that our Lord Lu Feng's army is overwhelming, whether it is a battle or surrender, what do you do?" Shi Chang smiled fearlessly.

"Thief." Guangfei roared angrily without thinking.

"Kill." Shi Changmeng's complexion changed and he roared wildly.

"Kill." The ten soldiers roared in unison, and suddenly started fighting with Shi Chang.

The group of them was only ordered to take the heads of Zhang Wei and Yan Pu to deter the city guards.Whether it is war or surrender has nothing to do with them.If the defenders of the city choose to fight, it is natural that the army will overwhelm the border and destroy the city.

If it falls, that's easy to say.

They didn't expect to encounter such a situation at all. A group of confident fools actually decided that Zhang Wei and Yan Pu would win a big victory. It didn't matter if the city gate was opened wide. The guard actually stood in front of them to greet them.

Such an opportunity cannot be missed.

Xinye generals, dare to kill and fight.Even if there are more than [-] defenders in the city, they dare to take this person's head.

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