I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 940 : Chapter 466 Solemn

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Liu Feng had always been very confident in attacking Hanzhong. He was afraid that Yiji would not seize the opportunity to escape. Now that Yiji was safe, Liu Feng was really relieved. o(∩_∩)o~~ Baidu search www>

"Greetings, Young Master." Yi Ji stepped forward a few steps and saluted.

At this moment, Yiji was very surprised.He had great confidence in Liu Feng, but he never imagined that Liu Feng could advance to this point at such a fast speed.

When the followers reported that they had seen their Xinye army, Yi Ji still didn't believe it.But now I have to believe it. [

After believing it, Yiji's heart also surged with ecstasy, Hanzhong is in his hands.

"Hahahaha." Liu Feng laughed heartily.

"This is not the time to talk. Get on the horse, let's go to Nanzheng City together." After laughing, Liu Feng said.

"No." Yi Ji promised, got on his horse and together with Liu Feng and others, the army set off again, heading towards Nanzheng.

Nanzheng City is Zhang Lu's lair that has been operating for many years.No one doubted its robustness, but now that Zhang Lu had run away, no matter how strong the city was, it would be vulnerable without soldiers guarding it.

At this moment, Nanzheng City was in chaos, just like what the spies heard.

Regardless of whether it is the common people, the powerful, or the gentry, they all closed their homes tightly, and they were very flustered.

Zhang Lu is gone, and Hanzhong is about to become Lu Su's.What will it be like in the end?Everyone in the city was flustered and anxious.

An official residence in the city, in the hall.

Gu Yong's face was ashen. Just now, when Zhang Lu left, he sent someone over to let him go with him.Only then did Gu Yong know that Zhang Lu had failed.

While Gu Yong categorically rejected Zhang Lu, he still couldn't believe it.

Hanzhong.Although the combat effectiveness of the soldiers is not as good as that of Cao Cao, Jiangdong's army.But it is popular, even more popular than Liu Biao.And there are [-] troops.

The composition of these advantages is Zhang Zhao's belief that adding Zhang Lu will definitely be able to destroy Lu Su's foundation.Lu Su had only five battalions, with an army of [-].Under the pressure of the three parties, how many troops can Lu Su send to attack Hanzhong?

It will not exceed the [-] troops of the second battalion.But Zhang Lu still couldn't resist.This is completely unexpected.Even though Gu Yong was extremely calm, he was also caught off guard by this chaos.

"Sir, Zhang Lu failed. If we don't run away with him, we will definitely be discovered by Wenpin if we stay here. It's better to go first."

At this time, a follower came to Gu Yong's side to persuade him.

"Zhang Lu failed, Zhang Lu failed." Gu Yong's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he was caught off guard, calmed down, and after muttering a few words to himself, he took a deep breath and said: "Although Zhang Lu failed , but maybe Wu Hou, Liu Cong, and Cao Ren have already broken through Lu Su's defense and captured Xinye? The failure of Zhang Lu does not mean the failure of Hezong."

Gu Yong completely calmed down from the panic.

"Let's go, let's go out of the city and head south." Immediately, Gu Yong ordered. [

"Going south?"

The entourage was taken aback for a moment, and said in doubt.

"Now that Hanzhong is basically under the control of Lu Su, it is difficult for us to go east through Hanzhong, and Shangyong has returned to Jiangdong. What we can do is to go south, go to Yizhou, then pass Jingzhou, and return to Jiangdong." Gu Yong explained road.

"No." The entourage suddenly realized, and promised.

"How can Zibu's strategy be so easy to break. Whether it is Wu Hou, Cao Ren, or Kuai Yue, they are all outstanding people, and they are a hundred times more powerful than Zhang Lu. I don't believe that you, Lu Su, can really break He Zong."

Gu Yong said cruelly in his heart.

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