I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 942 : Chapter 467 Borrowing a knife to kill people

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Normally, Liu Zhang is a vegetarian. \%>_<%_网_原_创%>_<%\ Liu Feng is also confident that Liu Zhang will not turn against him, but Hanzhong is really attractive, if Liu Zhang can't resist, he will send troops.


"This." Wenpin and Wang Wei were all taken aback, both finding it difficult.

Liu Feng continued to pace back and forth, thinking about countermeasures.It's just that the more anxious you are, the more you can't figure it out.In the end, Liu Feng frowned deeply, his face almost wrinkled. [

Zhang Lu, Zhang Lu, Zhang Lu.

However, at the critical moment, God did not abandon Liu Feng.A flash of inspiration flashed in Liu Feng's mind, and his brows relaxed instantly.

"Hahaha." Liu Feng laughed out loud. Sometimes history is surprisingly similar.

Seeing Liu Feng laughing suddenly, Wenpin and Wang Wei looked at each other, very puzzled.

"Your Highness thought of a countermeasure?" Wang Wei raised his fist and asked.

"Let me ask you, what does the lone army's invasion mean to those minority forces in Bazhong?" Liu Feng asked Wang Wei as he knelt down calmly with a smile on his face.

"A strong enemy is crushing the situation." Wang Wei said without thinking.

"Since it is a strong enemy, what does it mean that Zhang Lu escaped from Nanzheng and led an army of [-] to Bazhong?" Liu Feng asked again.

"Strong support." Wang Wei spat out two words, and there was some enlightenment in his eyes. Wang Wei is famous for his wisdom and general strategy, but he is somewhat enlightened, but there seems to be a layer of separation in front of him. , can't make him completely enlightened.

"Yeah, we came with a menacing force, and the army crushed the border. We defeated Zhang Lu, who had an army of [-] and was deeply rooted in Hanzhong. How can this not make those leaders of the ethnic minorities who are even weaker feel frightened? If you are alone at this time, hurry up Attacking will definitely make them completely unite and resist Gu. At that time, even if Gu can break through Bazhong, it will be a heavy loss. On the contrary, if it is slowed down, it will be a different situation."

Liu Feng said with joy in his eyes.

"Your Highness is saying that they will fight among themselves?" Wang Wei only felt suddenly enlightened and said pleasantly.If it was as Liu Feng expected, Zhang Lu could be killed without a single soldier.

"Exactly." Liu Feng nodded, then paused, organized his words in his mind, and then said: "Our army is suppressing the border and putting pressure on the leaders of the ethnic minorities in Bazhong. And if we relax, Zhang Lu will be a disaster for those leaders. Because Zhang Lu lost Hanzhong, he has no place to stand. They will definitely be afraid that Zhang Lu will seize their tribe and city."

In a flash of inspiration just now, Liu Feng thought of this plan to kill with a knife.

When Wenpin and Wang Wei heard the words, their eyes were bright, and it didn't cost a single soldier.

"This is a little passive, why not send envoys to Bazhong to show kindness to the leaders of those ethnic minorities?" Wang Wei suggested.

"No. That may cause people to misunderstand, and they will think that we are sowing discord. It is better to hold back." Liu Feng pondered for a moment, a little moved, but finally shook his head and vetoed it.

Wang Wei thought it was reasonable when he heard the words, and then he felt ashamed for having made a bad idea for himself.

"It's just another village. Zhang Lu's life can't be killed alone. He can only rely on other people's swords. Now let's use the army and control the whole Hanzhong." Liu Feng said. [

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