I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 949: Chapter 470 Encounter

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Immediately afterwards, the command of the army was handed over to Wen Pin and Wang Wei. The two of them rode their horses in front, and their standard bearers each raised the general's flag and led the soldiers to march. (Novel Network www>

And Liu Feng retreated to the back of the army under his special guard.

Speaking of which, I feel a little regretful.Although Liu Feng has gone through several wars, and he personally went out to boost the morale of the soldiers just now, but his status is noble, and there is no loyal general who will let Liu Feng really participate in a fight.

The marching speed of the army is relatively fast, and the direction is Jiameng Pass. [

On the other hand, the [-] army led by Gao Pei also approached Nanzheng City at a relatively fast speed.The momentum of this army is also very strong, whether it is generals or soldiers, their faces are full of confidence.

Seems to be winning.

The armies of both sides approached each other at an extremely fast speed.

"General, the spies have discovered that there is a large army in front of them, about ** thousand people, and the banners are "Wen" and "Wang". "A spies rode their horses to report.

Although spies were reporting, the speed of the army was not affected in any way.The spy rode his horse and Gao Pei accompanied him.

The spy's voice was very loud, not only Gao Pei heard it.All the generals around him heard it too.Before Gao Pei could speak, the generals all laughed.

"Hahaha. Are you kidding me, Wenpin, isn't Wang Wei a famous general of Jingchu? They should have lost a lot against Zhang Lu, and the fights will definitely cause the soldiers to get tired. He took the initiative to send troops. Is this also a famous general of Jingchu?"

"Maybe he was dazzled by the victory. After all, with a small army, he captured Hanzhong County, which was guarded by Zhang Lu's [-] defenders. He thought he was invincible. We must understand their emotional excitement."

"Hey, there is another possibility. Wenpin, isn't there a young child on Wang Wei's head? It must be Zhao Kuo. He has a great reputation, but the embroidered pillow is not very useful. That's why he made this foolish move to fight. Speaking of Wenpin, Wang Wei is quite pitiful."


This group of generals was completely joyful, and a sentence of ridicule and a sentence of contempt burst out of their mouths.

Gao Peiben also found it interesting that sitting in Nanzheng Jiancheng, he didn't go to guard it, but went to battle instead.Are you too confident in your own strength, or look down on them?

The former is fine, but the latter.

"Maybe they look down on us. Although short-sighted, we can't pretend not to see it. We must use the most powerful posture to sweep Wenpin and Wang Wei to increase our prestige. Kill."

When talking, Gao Pei was still smiling, but at the end of the speech, the smile was suppressed, and the murderous intent must be revealed.

"No one can despise us, kill."


Countless generals roared, leading more soldiers to roar out, the murderous aura was equally monstrous.

This time, I must call that Jingchu idiot, and take a look at the majesty of my man in Sichuan. [

Gao Pei sneered in his heart.

Under this determination to make Wen Pin, Wang Wei and other idiots look good, Gao Pei's army quickly went eastward, and soon after, the armies of both sides appeared in the eyes of each other.

"Wenpin, Wang Wei quickly come to die." In an instant, Gao Pei's fighting spirit reached its peak, waving the spear in his hand, and roared wildly.

"Don't be crazy, everyone."

Not to be outdone, Wenpin yelled.

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