I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 955 : Chapter 473 The dawn of the princes

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No wonder, this war was about to end, and they were about to retreat in desperation, but suddenly there was a turning point. ()

For Cao Ren, this restored his dignity.

"Attack, attack, attack, continue to attack Ai County, press Lu Su to fight." Immediately afterwards, Cao Ren ordered.

"No." The little official agreed and left. [

Not long after, in Cao Ren's camp, the sound of beating drums sounded again, and the soldiers who had enjoyed the peaceful time once again gathered in high spirits, and the war continued.

At the head of Ai County, Lu Su watched the movement in Cao Ren's camp ahead, feeling rather worried.

He received the news much earlier than Cao Ren, and he knew exactly what happened in Hanzhong.

"Liu Zhang. That guy Gao Pei messed up His Royal Highness's dominance. Although he died, it was not enough to relieve his hatred." Lu Su hated him immensely, but Lu Su knew that now was not the time to worry about Hanzhong.

For Cao Ren, this opportunity was lost and regained.You can see how crazy Cao Ren will be next.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Su ordered: "Blow the horn and prepare for defense."

"Promise." A messenger promised, and immediately ordered to go.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" the horn sounded again.


The battle in Xiangyang City was the same as that in Ai County.

With Zhou Yu, Liu Pan led troops to attack Xiangyang, but they couldn't take it.It just made the city of Xiangyang stained black with blood, and the smell of blood was pungent.

But recently, Liu Pan and Zhou Yu have rarely given orders to attack.

In Liu Pan's camp, the soldiers were lazily basking in the sun, and each of them had the joy of surviving the disaster.The war is over and they can go back.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Liu Pan was in a very bad mood, very, very bad.

On his front plan, there are stacks of cold dishes, and there are jars of wine next to them.Liu Pan drank bowls of wine with a drunken look on his face.

This is drinking to relieve sorrow, because Liu Pan hates it.

This situation was caused because he was useless and let Huang Zhong go.Every time he discussed with Zhou Yu how to attack Xiangyang, he felt unable to hold his head up in front of Zhou Yu.

But after all, they are not without any hope. As long as Zhang Lu persists, they will be able to break through Xiangyang.But what about the result?

It turned out that the bastard gave up Hanzhong to Lu Su, the kid named Lu Feng.Ridiculous, ridiculous, hateful, hateful ah. [

Liu Pan hated it in his heart, because he knew that the opportunity was gone.He has no chance to avenge his shame, and no chance to raise his head in front of Zhou Yu again.

What frightened him even more was that once Lu Su calmed down.The pressure Jing Chu faced would be even greater.Because Lu Su occupied Hanzhong, it was a huge granary that produced countless grains every year.

After annexing hundreds of thousands of people, you can gather more elite soldiers.The threat is too great, too great.It was so big that Liu Pan was terrified.

What should I do if I fail?Although Liu Cong, as the protagonist, cannot escape death, but he is also Liu Biao's servant, and his life and death are unpredictable.

"Ahhhhh." Liu Pan yelled loudly to vent his anger.

"General, there is an urgent report ahead. Liu Zhang's general, Gao Pei, the guard of Jiameng Pass, came out to attack Nanzheng City. He was killed by Wenpin with one blow."

At this moment, a small official came in and reported.

"What?" Liu Pan hadn't reacted for a while after drinking a little too much.But then, a wave of ecstasy filled Liu Pan's whole heart.

"Hahahaha, this fool. Are you saying he is full of blood, or are you saying he is stupid? Even if you stick to the city, you are better than killing Gao Pei. Can Liu Zhang not be angry if you kill Gao Pei? Hahahaha , fool, fool."

Liu Pan let out a loud laugh full of ecstasy.

"But this idiot did a good job, he did a good job. His idiot is my chance of winning. Let's go, let's go, let's go to see Zhou Yu, we still have hope in this war, hahaha. Stomp hard Lu Su, step on Lu Su."

Liu Pan laughed.

Not long after, Liu Pan rode his horse to Zhou Yu's camp with incomparable drunkenness.Because it was an allied army, Liu Pan entered Zhou Yu's tent without passing through any compatriots.

When Zhou Yu saw Liu Pan, he couldn't help frowning.He can also understand Liu Pan's loss, but this appearance is too much.

"Haha, Gong Jin. Good news, good news. Lu Su and Liu Zhang have turned against each other, and the war is imminent. We still have a chance of winning." Liu Pan ignored Zhou Yu's expression and laughed wildly as soon as he entered the big tent.

Immediately afterwards, he spoke out all the news he had heard.

Zhou Yu didn't have an intelligence system in Jingzhou, and he didn't receive news as quickly as Liu Pan.Hearing this news suddenly, Zhou Yu was also overjoyed.

However, Zhou Yu was Zhou Yu, not at the same level as Liu Pan. Zhou Yu quickly suppressed the ecstasy in his heart.Because Zhou Yu is clear about this change.

Not because they planned well, but because of accident.They may have used Liu Zhang's unexpected power to level Lu Su.

It's not worth getting too excited about.

However, in general, Zhou Yu is quite happy.

Zijing.Although it was an accident, the elder brother also accepted it with a smile.You are the enemy.I will help Marquis Wu get rid of it. [

Zhou Yu said firmly in his heart.

"Send troops." Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yu took a deep breath and said.

"Okay." Liu Pan nodded.

The war that had been suspended had started again.Zhou Yu and Liu Pan continued to attack Xiangyang with troops.

"Your Highness." At the head of Xiangyang City, Huang Zhong raised his head and looked in the direction of Hanzhong, very worried.As for Zhou Yu and Liu Pan's attack, Huang Zhong was indifferent.

Because he is confident that Xiangyang can hold on.

As long as Hanzhong can win, the ecstasy of Zhou Yu, Liu Pan and others will only be short-lived.

"Han Sheng is relieved, with His Highness's wisdom, he will be able to save the day." Meng Jian heard Zhou Yu's attack, and immediately walked up to the city. Seeing Huang Zhong's absent-minded appearance, Meng Jian knew what was going on, so he couldn't help saying .

For Liu Feng, Meng Jian has more confidence than anyone else.The last time Zhou Yu fraudulently took the city, it all depended on His Highness.

Huang Zhong immediately relaxed when he heard the words, how could he have forgotten how powerful His Highness is?No one in the world can stop His Highness.

After letting go of his heart, Huang Zhong immediately concentrated his mind and prepared to deal with Zhou Yu.After letting go of his worries about Liu Feng, Huang Zhong became more confident.

Even the famous general Zhou Yu would not even think about taking down the city guarded by the old man.

Huang Zhong's confidence was overwhelming.

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